
Why is life so unfair? Someone's feet "from the ears," natural golden curls, the husband of the oligarch and shopping in Milan, and to someone the figure of a teddy bear, an apartment in Khrushchev and shopping in the nearest market - what a blatant injustice?

How to deal with injustice?

When the question arises, how to deal with injustice, you first need to determine whether you are being treated unfairly, or are all your offenses invented?

To do this, answer yourself to several questions that will help you understand why life is unfair to you. Is it because you live among soulless people who are ready for anything for the sake of profit, or because they themselves have driven themselves into a swamp.

  1. How do you define justice and injustice? Various initial data (someone was born in a wealthy family, and someone had parents who were poor), today's differences in your social situation and your former classmate, the head constantly breaks your anger at you.
  2. If you think that life from the very beginning has treated you unfairly and therefore you could not achieve what your friends have achieved, then ask yourself, what prevented you from doing it? Only whether the lack of money for a successful start - you could not enter a prestigious university, no one would give you a loan to open your own business, etc.
  3. You answered that if you had money, you would have achieved everything (instead of money you can substitute any other excuse - time, communication)? And since you were deprived of this, then you could not achieve anything?
  4. Do you consider compulsory the fulfillment of the life program: to finish the university - to go to work - to get married - to give birth to children?
  5. You just do that you wait for the best moment, promising yourself that then your life will change dramatically?
  6. You all try to do on "5+", and if you notice any shortcoming even in your homework, does this permanently disrupt you?
  7. Do not you set yourself long-term goals, preferring to live one day?

If you answered positively to 2 questions or more, then you can be congratulated - life with you is fair. And in the current unfavorable situation you are to blame, your laziness and unwillingness to work hard. It's time to understand that the Wizard on a blue helicopter will not fly, and we need to move ourselves to achieve something in this life. Stop acting on a long route laid by someone, choose your path. Leave all the excuses, they are not serious, and understand that for most things happening to us, we are responsible.

How to respond to injustice at work?

If the insults from life were invented by you, then it is clear that this way of thinking must be disposed of. And what if you really feel to yourself the unjust attitude of the boss? After all, you can not always be to blame for failure, as he tries to present. If this were true, no one would have kept you at work.

There are several ways to protect yourself from injustice: you can actively resist the offender (either yourself or with the involvement of allies), passive restoration of justice (expectation that someone else will do it) or humility with injustice, which implies the absence of any action on the part of the offended . Choose a way to counteract you, but let's consider how you can actively fight an unjust boss.

  1. The simplest and most cardinal way to combat the unjust attitude of management is to lay off. Do you not see in yourself the strength and desire to prove anything to man? Just find another work, where you will be appreciated.
  2. Your merits are attributed to the immediate leader, receiving praise and bonuses for it, and you do not even get crumbs from the master's table? Stop generating your ideas in the presence of the leader, with interesting suggestions go to the superior. Yes, perhaps you will not act with your boss ugly, but was he fair to you?
  3. Are you trying to be intimidated by staff reduction and re-certification, forcing not to do your work? Read the Labor Code and do not be afraid, dismissing an employee for these articles is not so easy.