Zucchini - caloric content

In Europe zucchini "sailed", in the truest sense of the word, from Latin America - they were brought by Spanish triumphs, conquistadors, as, indeed, most of the vegetables and fruits, which we, for reasons of memory, call our own, parents. Alas, after the triumph (and zucchini, and conquistadors), the second - faded into the history books, and the first became boring, dull regulars of summer market stalls. Well, we have no interest in faded green zucchini - but in vain!

Zucchini - this is just one of those products that we have the right to call "food with negative energy value." Now we will explain the reasons for the entry of "latin" into this gold list.

Why is the caloric value of the courgette negative?

Let's start with the encyclopedic data - the calorie content of 100 g of courgettes fluctuates between 19 and 23 kcal - which of these two indicators you will find in the market, it is not so important how to choose the least caloric zucchini scientists have not yet explained.

At the same time, zucchini are surprisingly satisfying - even people suffering from obesity, having eaten a portion of these vegetables, lose their brutal appetite - how, if they absorbed some 50-70 kcal maximum?

Calories of courgettes are not the guarantors of the whole. 90% of our vegetable consists of water, like its closest friend in the garden - a cucumber. After eating 300 g of zucchini - you eat, or drink, 270 ml of water (remember, why recommend drinking water before eating?). This is the first guarantee of the success of courgettes.

The second is fiber. Zucchini is recommended to eat raw and with a peel, and, even if you subject them to heat treatment, the peel should be left. To do this, choose only young fruit, with a soft skin and a light tint.

The most crude, nutritious (or rather, creating the appearance of satiety in the stomach) fiber is just the skin. According to average statistical data, the fiber content in the zucchini is 0.5%, which is not so little, if you recall that 90 accounts for juice. All this leads to the fact that zucchini not only accelerates the intestinal peristalsis and improves digestion in general, but the product itself is absorbed to the maximum, because its composition and structure are very delicate.

Composition and calorie content

With how many calories in the zucchini - everything is clear, as with the main component of the vegetable - the liquid. Let's see what else there is, Mother Earth, she hid:

Dishes from courgettes - caloric content

Vegetables are recommended for almost everyone. First, they can serve good to diabetics, because they contain natural sugars, which lower the level of glucose in the blood, gradually digesting.

Secondly, they need to eat as much as possible to the "cores" - zucchini absorb and remove toxins, heavy metals, harmful cholesterol , in general, carry out "cleaning" of blood and the whole body, which can not but affect the pressure and health of the heart muscle. Zucchini are shown to pregnant and nursing mothers - they do not lead to an allergy or bowel disorder in babies, since they really became "their own", native and well-perceived foods.

We recommend the most dietary dishes of their zucchini: