Soy - Benefit and Harm

Soy has long become a familiar component of many finished products. It is added to meat semi-finished products and sausages, milk, sauces, cheese, etc. are made from it. The benefits and harm of soy is long discussed by dieticians and doctors, and these experts can not come to a common opinion.

How is soy useful?

The most significant useful property of soy is considered to be its ability to replenish the lack of protein with vegetarian food. Soy protein is only slightly inferior to dairy in terms of nutritional value , but it differs by a more successful set of amino acids.

In addition to high nutritional value, soy also has medicinal properties. The isoflavonoids, phytic acids and genestein contained in it reduce the risk of oncological diseases, including hormone-dependent diseases - cancer of the ovaries, uterus and mammary glands.

Doctors recommend including in the diet soy products for diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, liver, kidney and gallbladder diseases. The ability of soybean components to influence fat metabolism and slow aging makes this product indispensable for Parkinson's disease, atherosclerosis, glaucoma, premature aging.

Due to the high content of lecithin and choline, soybean has a significant healing effect on nerve cells and tissues. As a result of the use of soy products in humans, memory, attention, thinking, etc. can improve.

Despite the abundance of useful properties, soybeans also have contraindications to consumption. These include children's age. Scientists have proved that the abundance of isoflavonoids leads to accelerated sexual maturation of girls and slowing the maturation of boys. In addition, the use of soybean creates a deficiency of zinc in the body, which negatively affects the growth of the child. That is why doctors of many countries strongly recommend giving soy to children only for medical reasons.

Is soy be harmful to health?

The most dangerous factor of soy is the unpredictability of its genetic essence. To date, there are many genetically modified variations of soybeans that can not be distinguished from a natural product without laboratory tests. The impact on the body of a genetically modified product has so far been little studied, but scientists are actively engaged in this issue.

Like many beans, soy can cause increased gas formation and flatulence. In addition, it is a highly allergenic product, so at the first signs of an allergic reaction, soy should be excluded from the diet.

Soy for weight loss

Soy is a high-calorie product - about 400 kcal per 100 g, which makes soy products a little suitable for fat people. However, some slimming diet regimens provide for the use of soya instead of meat. it does not contain fats. Those who want to take advantage of such diets, you must carefully observe the daily diet.

With soybean diet instead of a portion of meat once a day you can drink 200 g of soy milk or eat 100 grams of tofu, fried soy nuts or soy protein. The rest of the diet should be filled with plant products - cereals, vegetables and fruits.

Soy mono-diet will help to lose weight effectively, however this hard method is suitable only for healthy people with good willpower. This mono-diet is calculated for 3-5 days, during which you can eat only cooked soy - 500 g of finished product per day. Reset with this diet can be 2-2.5 kilograms, but use mono-diet more often than 1 time per month can not.

It is very important to properly prepare soy for a diet. In the evening, dry beans should be soaked in cold water, and in the morning - cook until ready. Salt, sweeten with spices and season with sauce or butter, boiled soya with diet can not.