Good signs

We live in the era of HI-Tech, when virtually everything in the world is under the control of computerized systems. Does such an advanced society still have a place for superstition ? It turns out there is. A highly developed world, between good and bad signs, chose to stop at first choice. That is, there is an amazing regularity - as soon as someone "not superstitious" starts scratching his left palm, he immediately blurs in a smile, because it's for money!

This is our hypocrisy - we do not even believe in what we want, but what we benefit at the moment. So, in the modern world there is only room for good signs.

Signs of good weather

One of the simplest signs of good weather, which all owners of four-footed pets know, says that if the cat is lying belly up, and then, waking up, actively licking the paw and washing, be hot. And to explain the relationship between the choice of the position for sleeping a cat can be easily - as soon as the animal feels the heat, it relaxes, increasing heat emission from the entire surface of its body. In winter they are twisted in order to minimize heat transfer.

About the weather for the whole autumn can be judged by September - thunderstorms with thunder this month mean that autumn will be mild. And in the late autumn make predictions for the winter - if mosquitoes appeared in November, winter will not be severe.

Good people's signs to happiness

To be happy in your home, or not to be - all this can be learned in advance, because, it turns out, the universe sends us signals about what awaits us so that we can prepare for it. And the "encyclopedia" or a collection of these signals are good people's signs.

Fortunately, one must always be ready: