What does the son dream about?

Night vision with the correct interpretation gives an opportunity to learn a lot of interesting information about the events of the present and the future.

What does the son dream about?

This may be a sign that in real life the relationship with the child requires adjustments. A sick or crippled son is a symbol of problems and unhappiness in the future. If you talk with your son in a dream, wait for problems in the financial sphere. A happy boy promises health and success in business. When a childless woman sees a son in a dream, in the future she will successfully marry and deserve universal respect. A pregnant woman sees her future son, which means her life will be full of happiness and pride for him.

What is the dream of a son's death?

Such a dream promises a verbal scandal, but it can also be a sign of a joyous event in the future. A dream in which the son dies is a warning that time is running out, and it's time to take the situation in hand and change. It may also be a sign that the child will soon leave the "family nest".

Why does a drunk son dream?

In the near future, you will discover some kind of secret or information that will certainly come in handy in the future.

Why dream of his son's wedding?

Marriage of a child is a sign that in the near future there will be some misfortune. It can also foreshadow some changes that affect the next of kin. If you are walking at the wedding of a son, in real life you have the opportunity to save him he problems and various troubles.

What does the son dream about?

This can symbolize the care of the child, as well as the possible grief. If an adult son dreams a little, in real life he can get sick. It can also be a sign of the onset of a time of change, since something is stuck in one place. A dream in which your already grown-up child is again small, heralds a difficult job that requires considerable effort.