How many years live turtles?

In the world there are more than 290 species of water and land turtles. These unique long-living animals have for centuries adapted and learned to survive in different conditions. They developed immunity to many infections, becoming almost the most hardy creatures on Earth. Animals with skeleton can spend a long time without food. And their "armor" is very difficult to break through.

Turtles have a slow metabolism, which led to late sexual maturation and slowing down of all life processes. Although you should not believe the myths about tortoise slowness.

Let's find out what kinds of turtles, how many live. I think the topic of domestic turtles is especially close to us.

How many live turtles live?

There is a lot of evidence that the age of the land tortoises exceeded 100 years. The same Central Asian turtles are a vivid example of this. And detailed records of observations in the monasteries of Jerusalem tell us that some animals have reached 120 years.

Examples of longevity are noted in zoos. For example, the elephant tortoise survived to 150 years, and the shpornose reached 115 years of age. The "Guinness Book of Records" indicates the age of 152 years.

Central Asian turtle

How many lives does the Central Asian representative of armor? We have already set it as an example, talking about land tortoises. First, let's say that this is the most common kind. The average animal of this species lives 40 years. But there are turtles, long-livers. For example, the marion, who became famous for the fact that one of the representatives of their kind reached 152 age. In the Galapagos Islands, giant tortoises can live for 200 years. But in the wild, Central Asian women live 20 to 30 years.

It is difficult to answer the question of how many domestic turtles live. It all depends on the conditions of detention. If you manage to create favorable conditions close to nature for it, it will please you 30 years, or even more.

How many live water turtles?

We will learn how many other decorative turtles live. For example, marsh.

European turtle turtle inhabited the entire Eastern Hemisphere. Although originally her homeland was Europe, where, in fact, the name. She lives only in fresh water. Although it was found in the wild in the salty Vityazevsky and Kizeltashsky estuaries. At home with good care, a tortoise can live up to 30 years, but in the wild there were recorded cases when the animal lived to 120.

How many years does the red-bellied turtle live?

Like other turtles, red-eared live long - 30 years. But an inept master can shorten this term. Just remember, this decorative individual loves both water and space. Do not infringe upon it in this.

How many sea turtles live?

The average life expectancy is 80 years. But most turtles do not reach this age: some die even in the bud in the egg due to too low or high temperature. Part of trying to reach the water after hatching, it is eaten by predators. The rest are waiting for the sea turtles. As a result, many of the species are on the verge of extinction.

How many turtles live without water?

"Home" turtles are often "lost". They can get into the most unexpected place and not get out long. It is not necessary to talk about hibernation. Therefore, the owners begin to worry. But in vain. Your pet will never go far from water. And if you want to quickly get him out of the shelter, put a bowl of water in a prominent place, the animal will exactly appear, although it can survive without water for two or three days. This ability helps when transporting turtles.