Gifts of the Magi - what gifts did the magi bring to Jesus?

"Gifts of the Magi" or "Adoration of the Magi" - mention in the Gospel of Matthew, a well-known story about the magicians who came to worship the baby Jesus with special gifts. Christians and Catholics celebrate this event on January 6 as the Epiphany Day, although in the texts this date varies.

Who are the Magi?

"Magi" is translated from Greek - "mages", Herodotus noted in his writings that these people - representatives of the tribe of Medes - a special caste, which was responsible for the religiosity of the whole people. Who are the Magi in the Bible? In the Old Testament they are referred to as sages and clairvoyants, living among the Medes and Persians, and in the New Testament about the Magi only one time was written when they recognized the Infant Jesus as the King of the Jews. Traditionally, the artists portrayed three magicians near the Bogomladenets by people of different ages:

Gifts of the Magi - Bible

Who are the Magi and their gifts? In biblical tales, they are still mentioned, as are the three kings of other countries who came to recognize the authority of the new ruler of Judea. The holy gifts of the Magi have three subjects, so the story included three petitioners. Although in the writings of St. Augustine and John Chrysostom it is mentioned that the Magi were twelve, other legends call the greater number.

In some European countries, the day when the rulers came to worship Jesus, is called the feast of the three kings, in Spain, even on January 5, magnificent cavalcades are arranged. Regarding the date when the Magi arrived in Bethlehem, there are several versions:

  1. According to the traditions of Orthodoxy - after twelve days from Christmas .
  2. According to the legends of the Eastern church, the months passed after Christmas.
  3. In the Gospel of Pseudo-Matthew - over two years from the day of the birth of the God-child.

What did the magi bring to Jesus?

The disciple of Christ, Matthew, describes that the Magi ruled far on the eastern lands. When they saw the star of Bethlehem in the sky, they considered it a sign and followed her. When they came to Jerusalem, they decided to turn to the reigning ruler Herod to find out how to find the new King of the Jews. He could not give an answer, and he himself asked the magicians to let him know where he was, ostensibly in order to greet him. The rulers followed the night light to Bethlehem, where they found the Virgin Mary with the little Jesus.

What did the magi bring to the God-given? All the subjects of the legend are attributed a special significance:

What did the gifts of the Magi mean?

Gifts of the Magi Christ - revered by all believers, a shrine, a unique work of art of ancient masters. This 28 plates of gold threads, welded to the original pattern, scientists define it as an ancient technique of filigree with granules. Zern are small golden balls that protrude above the plate and make it richer. The pattern of any of them is unique, and all forms are three and quadrangular. To the geometric figures are attached threads of silver with sixty beads of incense and myrrh.

The gifts that the Magi brought to Jesus testify that the ancient magicians immediately recognized the fact: the real King of Judah appeared. Therefore, they chose expensive gifts even before they saw the God-child. In the symbol of the gifts, contemporaries see a reminder from God to people that the prophets predicting the birth of the Son of God expounded the truth. There is a version, supposedly the gifts of the Magi originated the tradition of exchanging gifts for Christmas, and later - handing them to the newborn.

What was the name of the Magi who brought gifts?

The names of the Magi who came to the little Christ are laid out on the mosaic of the Italian church of San Apolinar: Caspar, Melchior and Belshazzar. One of the legends also mentions the fourth magician, Artabon. Scientists believe that the three kings received these names only during the Middle Ages. Because among the other nations the first, who worshiped Jesus, the rulers were called otherwise:

  1. Avimelech, Okhozat, Fikol - among the early Christians;
  2. Gormisd, Yazgerd, Peros - among the Syrians;
  3. Apellikon, Ameri and Damascus - among the Greeks;
  4. Magalah, Gilgalah and Serakin - from the Jews

Where are the gifts of the Magi?

Legends say the supposed gifts of the Magi Jesus the Virgin Mary gave to the Jerusalem community of Christians, and later the plates of gold were sent to the temple of Hagia Sophia in Constantinople. As soon as the city was conquered by the Turks in the 15th century, the Princess of Serbia Maria Branković managed to take the shrine to Athos, where she was kept for five centuries in the monastery of St. Paul. For the relics made a special ark, sometimes the gifts of the Magi are brought to the famous temples of the world, so that they could be worshiped by believers.