Who are the Magi in the Bible and in our time?

Such a notion as "Magi" was heard by many, for example, about them is written in the famous work of O. Henry "The Gifts of the Magi" and in the Bible, but few can accurately answer who these people are. The term has a direct connection with paganism and magic.

Who are the Magi?

In ancient Russia, pagan priests and magicians, who, using various magical spells, controlled the elements and predicted the events of the future, were called Magi. The most famous wise men of the Bible who predicted the birth of the Savior. People considered them prophets and healers. After a while, they began to call healers, magicians and warlocks. If we consider the hierarchical division, the Magi of Ancient Rus were next to the rulers, making for them a different prediction.

The very word "sorcerer" is associated with the old Slavic concept, which means "muttering or incoherent talking". Hence we can conclude that the main methods of work of pagan priests were numerous prayers and conspiracies. It is worth noting that the term "sorceress" was derived from the term "wolfba". There is also a version that this word has in common with the term "hairy", as the magicians had long hair.

Where did the Magi live?

In fact, in the history of many countries it is mentioned about the magi who had different powers. There are references to the spread of the witchcraft in the territory of ancient Assyria-Babylonia and the Middle East. From them, the magicians crossed over to the Roman Empire. The most famous are the Magi in Russia and the first mention of them dates from the 12th century. As for the version from the Bible, it is said there that they came to Jerusalem from the East.

What did the Magi do?

There are a lot of stories, myths and legends about the many mystical functions of pagan priests. To understand who are the Magi, you need to know about their abilities:

  1. Their strengths were enormous, so they could predict the future , heal people and conduct different rituals.
  2. In those days, it was believed that the Magi could soar in the air, breathe underwater and even become invisible.
  3. People believed that they were invulnerable and even resurrected after death.
  4. They owned the magicians with a special calendar, according to which they determined the time of prayers.
  5. It was believed that they can control the forces of nature and even arrange eclipses.
  6. The Magi and their secret teachings are of interest to many researchers who believe that only the chosen people who received the blessing of the gods and who have been trained for a long time could become a priest.

The Magi in the Bible

In the sacred writings magicians are called sages and astrologers, who, guided by the movement of the heavenly powers, predicted the events of the future. The Magi who came to Jesus after they saw the unusual star sunbathing over the city of Bethlehem knew in advance about the prophecies that the Messiah who will be the Savior of the people will come to the earth. They came to Jerusalem from the East.

The Magi and Jesus are described in the Gospel, but their number and names are not exactly named. The version that there were three mages appeared in Christian literature after a while. It is believed that they represented three age categories of people. The Savior was offered a gift to the Savior: gold, frankincense and myrrh. According to the legend, after they left on other lands, they were baptized and took a painful death in the countries of the east. Their relics are kept in the temples of Europe.

The Magi in Our Time

Historians believe that the real Magi, who possessed magical powers, have already sunk into the summer. The most famous among them is Prophetic Oleg. Some modern mages and psychics call themselves pagan priests, but this is not always true. It should be remembered that the real Magi in the Slavs not only possessed magical abilities , but also controlled the forces of nature, and such abilities can boast of today's popular psychics can not.

Finding out who are the Magi in the modern world, it is worth noting that it is customary to call carriers of Vedic knowledge. Their main duty is that they are responsible for the lives of people living according to Slavic traditions. The knowledge of the Magi is unlimited and they must carry them to people. Even modern pagan priests call themselves generators, but historians believe that the real Magi do not have this right, because their genus must recognize their strength.