Hand-made "New Year Bouquet" with your own hands

One of the symbols of the New Year is the Christmas tree. Especially waiting for the appearance in the house of this forest beauty children. But it happens that the family does not have the opportunity to put a smart tree in the house. For example, the reason may be a lack of space, the presence of a small child. Even so, it will be possible to find a way out and make a handmade "New Year Bouquet" instead of a Christmas tree . Children will be happy to participate in the work. You can choose the version of the composition to your taste.

How to make a New Year's bouquet?

To begin with, you need to prepare everything that might be needed in the process:

Now it is worthwhile to figure out how to make an article "New Year Bouquet":

  1. First you need to organize a workplace, carefully arrange everything you need, and introduce the child's materials.
  2. It is necessary to fill the vase with water (up to half). It should be dropped balls. It is desirable that they are red and golden in color.
  3. Next, we must put flowers and spruce branches in a vase. This is done in random order. It is best to entrust it to the child. Even a preschool child will cope with this task.
  4. Now you need to tie ribbons to sweets.
  5. It is necessary to string mandarins on the pointed edge of the stick.
  6. Next, hang the candy on the branches.
  7. It is necessary to cut out two paper snowflakes and glue them to the mandarins.
  8. At the final stage of work on the handmade "New Year's bouquet" you need to put the sticks with tangerines in a vase.
  9. It remains only to correct the elements of the composition.

Such crafts "New Year's bouquet" to make their own hands is not difficult. She will not distract from domestic affairs and will become an ornament of any room or festive table.