How to help the child to adapt in kindergarten?

When the baby turns 2 or 3 years old, it is time for him to socialize, connected with visiting a preschool institution. For crumbs, this is a very strong stress, since before that he spent most of his time with his mother, father and other close people. Therefore, it is very important for parents to know how to help a child adapt in kindergarten in such a way that he feels comfortable and safe.

The most effective recommendations for the parents of newly-made "kindergartners"

Even if the child is naughty or shows great anxiety, do not panic. Immediately tell yourself: "We go to the kindergarten and know exactly how to facilitate the adaptation of our son or daughter." Repeating this several times, you will feel that the anxiety has subsided, and you will be able to cope with possible difficulties when you first visit the preschool.

To your kid happily ran to friends and favorite teacher, and not crying quietly in the corner, try to implement the following tips:

  1. Prepare the crumb for visiting the nursery or preschool group in advance. This is very important if you are far from psychology and are in doubt about how to help a child adapt in a kindergarten. Tell the children that there are a lot of interesting games, contests, new toys and playgrounds for them, etc. It is also good to bring the future kindergarten to the premises of the institution and show how his peers are walking and spending their free time.
  2. Teach your child to stay for a while with other people whom you trust: a girlfriend, a godfather, a neighbor. When you take him to a kindergarten, be sure to tell him that you will return after him in only a few hours. Do not show your nervousness and tension: the crumb will quickly understand your mood, and in advance will be afraid to stay in the group.
  3. Encourage your child to self-service skills. Most specialists, answering the question of how to adapt to a child in a kindergarten, are advised for about 2 years to gradually accustom the crumb to the pot, and also to eat and dress independently . Then in preschool, where he will be without a mother, he will feel calmer.
  4. Develop the sociability of your child. Psychologists usually connect how long a child adapts to a kindergarten, with his ability to establish contact with peers. The kid will go to his group with great pleasure, if his friends are waiting there for games. To do this, learn role-playing games with him in advance: to mum and dad, a hospital, a kindergarten, etc.