The crisis of 3 years in children - how to behave to parents?

Your baby is growing. He already speaks well, expresses his opinion and tries not only to hear him, but also to listen. Yes, yes just so - obeyed! So we got to an interesting and difficult period in the life of your baby and his parents.

In this difficult period of life from neighbors, grandparents, you can hear a lot of advice about the fact that you are facing a crisis of 3 years in children, and how to behave to parents, close relatives.

At this age, as a rule, children begin to give to the kindergarten. This is an additional stress. After all, it is, first of all, a change in the usual situation, where there was always a mother nearby. Now the child has to face an independent solution of some issues, communication with peers and attempts to defend their interests.

To this crumb pushes his psychological development. Do not think that with your child, something is wrong, because for a month, he turned from a cute baby into a yelling monster. It's just a crisis of 3 years and giving advice to parents about how to behave with a child is especially important.

Recommendations to parents on overcoming the crisis 3 years of your baby

  1. Do not go on about the wishes of the child and the persuasion of others.
  2. It happens that the crumb screams and requires, for example, ice cream. Grandmother, who is near, out of pity, love and just so that the baby does not cry, begins to persuade his mother to give him ice cream.

    Do not go on about a child and grandmother. Because tomorrow, the kid can throw a tantrum, for example in a supermarket, with the requirement to buy him sweet. After all, next to him will be a grandmother, in which he saw an ally for the fulfillment of his desires. Try with the child to discuss the situation, in which explain why now he can not have ice cream. For example, saying to him: "You can not get ice cream now, you can get a sore throat, because you're only from the bath. In an hour it will be possible. "

  3. Understand each situation, and not thoughtlessly make the child do what is supposed to be.
  4. Let's say the situation when your baby, waking up in the morning, does not want to go to the kindergarten. And no persuasion here does not help. You do not need to raise your voice and threaten it. Just try to find out what happened and why he refuses to go to the kindergarten. Perhaps, he is offended by a stronger child or he did not have time to ask for a pot and his teacher shamed them all. It is necessary to find out the reason, and after talking with the educator, so that such situations no longer occur.

  5. Do not go on about the child, even if he insists, when you are in a crowded place.
  6. Children feel very much when it is possible to manipulate adults. One of the most uncomfortable situations is when there are "spectators".

    For example, you and your child are on the playground. As a rule, children of three years of age are very capricious and do not want to leave at the first request of an adult. Get yourself a rule to call your baby several times with an interval of 5 minutes. And the first time you need to say that you give him 5 more minutes, but after that you will definitely leave. Over time, it will become a child's habit, and taking it off the playground will not be so difficult.

    At first, while he was not used to it, he could be "lured out" by offering something delicious, like an apple or a candy.

  7. Go on a compromise with the child.
  8. There are situations when the kid took some thing and does not want to give anything away or wants to wear certain clothes and no other. Try to find a compromise with the child. For example, if he took someone else's toy on the playground and then does not want to give, offer him his toy, only with the words: "And your car drives faster and has more wheels!" And the kid will be ready to give you someone else's, in exchange for his.

    The same applies to clothes. Try to talk with your child about every situation, explaining why today it is better to wear a sweater, and not a jacket.

The crisis of 3 years is a difficult period and what parents should do to you personally. But if you stick to the basic rules: do not go on about the child, find a compromise in situations, be fair and patient with your crumb, then the crisis of 3 years will pass for you almost unnoticed.