Complex of exercises by Cindy Crawford

Cindy Crawford is a famous Hollywood top model that really shook the whole world when she managed to become even slimmer and more beautiful than before, just 2 months after giving birth. After that, Cindy Crawford's set of exercises scattered around the world.

But, performing this set of exercises from Cindy Crawford, we must remember one little thing that made it super-efficient - take a deck of cards for training with you. Why - read below.

Complex of exercises with Cindy Crawford

Take the cards and remove a part of the deck hand to yourself - what you have removed, put aside, and what remains will serve you as a coach. The remaining number of cards will tell you how many repetitions of exercises you do.

  1. We develop shoulders - we lift shoulders upwards, and we lower downwards so that the neck was as much as possible extended. We perform 20 times.
  2. Hands on the hips, round the back on exhalation and bend on the breath. In parallel, do not forget to draw in your stomach. We perform 20 times.
  3. Exercise "rope" - stretch the arms on the sides at shoulder level, the legs are wider than the shoulders, the stomach is tightened. We stretch out in one direction, then in another direction - thus, we knead our sides.
  4. We stretch our hands up, put our hands in the lock. We go down, touch one leg, then the second leg and again stretch outward. We perform tilting and lifting energetically at high speed, then repeat all the same from the other side - so we stretch our legs.
  5. Take the cards in hands, do sit-ups . We put our feet, slightly unfolding the socks in the sides, we take one card - we go down, crouching so that we reach out to the floor, we put one card on the floor. We go back up and crouch, dropping one card each time. Finish when there are no cards left.
  6. Falls with cards - we lunge forward and put a deck of cards on the floor ahead to the right of ourselves. Then we lung forward, take one card, the knee touches the floor, the body is tilted forward. We collect all the cards one by one, carrying out attacks with only one foot. Then we repeat from the second leg.
  7. Lay down on the back, legs together, the cards are on the same line with the belly. Hands by the head, we go up on the exhale, go down on the breath. Execute 20 times, fix the body in the ascent and on one map collect all in hands.