Pilates training system

Cult things are created solely from the heart. So in the case of Pilates, a system that has been popular for almost 100 years among the stars of the film industry, professional sportsmen and just those who want to find health and beauty in one gym, was originally created by a boy - an ugly duckling who was tired of tolerating the ridicule of classmates.


Joseph Pilates was the son of a Greek stuntman and a German naturopathic doctor. The father was content with the work-outs and individual lessons with the boys from wealthy families, and the Pilates house existed on a small but stable salary of the mother.

Hunger, cold, born subtlety led to the fact that by the age of ten the creator of the Pilates training system had already suffered from many "adult" diseases.

And for 12 years, a fatal event happened - a small Pilates returned home in tears and told his father how the children were mocking him. He told him that it was up to him to decide what he would become, and how people would treat him.

Already in his teens, Joseph Pilates developed a system of exercises that allowed him to work as a model for anatomists, so well developed and visible all his muscles.

The Birth of Pilates

Joseph first moved to England, then went to a German camp during the war, and only in the 1920s, after moving to America, found the ground for great achievements.

Having invested everything that he had, he opened his first hall, then the second, the third ... The pilots became interested in soldiers, for whom it was rehabilitation after injuries, athletes and actors.

Pilates use

Pilates exercise system will allow you to feel the difference with your past life in 10 lessons, the effect of 20 lessons will be noticed by others, and after 30 - you will be perfection yourself. So spoke Joseph Pilates himself.

In Pilates all the tiniest muscles are being developed, about the existence of which you had not guessed before. The effect is achieved through special simulators, which constantly have to maintain balance. In addition, this is a stretch . You stretch your ligaments and do not let them lose mobility.

Pilates is a posture. Do not hesitate to wear dresses with cutouts on your back - tackle them and strengthen your back.


And now let's get down to the practical side of the Pilates Wellness System.

  1. Lie on your back, hands on your stomach, press your back to the floor. We perform respiratory equipment - we breathe in at the expense of four, inflating the stomach, and exhaling, drawing in the belly.
  2. We put one hand by the head, the other remains on the stomach. We take a breath at the expense of two, on exhalation we lift the upper part of the trunk.
  3. We lift both legs, knees at right angles. Hold on to the back of the thighs with our hands, lift the upper part of the trunk and keep the position. We tear our hands from our feet, pull them forward, carrying out three springy movements.
  4. Straighten your legs, make a circle with your hands and reach up. We return to the position with bent legs.
  5. Alternately bend the legs in the knees and stretch towards them with the trunk. The shoulders are raised all the time above the floor, the waist is pressed to the floor, the stomach is strained.
  6. To the previous exercise, we add rotations with hands behind the head.
  7. They lowered their legs to the floor, stretched their legs and arms, inhaled, exhaled. Raised the upper half of the trunk to the legs, counted to two, returned to the starting position.
  8. They pulled their knees to his chest.
  9. Legs are pulled upward vertically, we lift the upper part of the trunk, on inhalation we quickly raise our hands palms up, on exhalation - lower the palms down.
  10. We lower the trunk to the floor, legs are raised upwards. We lower one leg to the floor, the second one remains vertical. Hands grab for the raised leg, raise the trunk, keep this position. We change legs.
  11. Legs are raised vertically, bending alternately legs, stretching to the bent knee.
  12. Legs are raised, shoulders are relaxed. We make a circle with the foot, dropping it and bending it. Doing against and clockwise.
  13. We bend our knees and lower the pelvis to the floor. We tear off the pelvis from the floor on inhalation, and lower it in exhalation.
  14. Straighten the legs, pulled one knee to the chest, the hand is straightened - we pull the back.