Sports nutrition for muscle growth

Proteins, squirrels and once again squirrels! This is the main component of your diet, if you want to gain muscle mass. Most likely, you already know that proteins are a kind of building material for muscles, and without them any bodybuilder can do without. The need of an ordinary adult in proteins is approximately 0.75-1 g per kg of body weight per day. For athletes or people who are actively involved in sports, the need for protein increases to about 2-2.5 g per kg of body weight per day.

Suppose you weigh 60 kg, so you need about 120 grams of protein a day. In 100 g of beef contains about 18 g of the desired substance. Are you able to eat during the day almost 1 kg of meat plus other products that give the right amount of carbohydrates? Physically, perhaps, will cope, here only the stretched stomach and a thin waist - concepts incompatible. That's why the experts have developed a sports nutrition for muscle growth, which in combination with training will allow you to quickly achieve the desired result.

How to take sports nutrition?

Protein (protein) cocktail should be drunk immediately after training or within an hour after it. This is the very moment when the reserves of important amino acids have been exhausted, and the body needs the strength to recover and the possibility of further growth. Reception of sports nutrition can also be done in the morning, before and during breakfast. Another suitable moment is late at night to be completely sure that you will not leave your body for more than you need time without nutrients.

Important: sports nutrition for weight gain is not the main source of protein, but only an addition to a full-fledged intake of food, so do not forget about the right rational diet.

Sports nutrition for beginners

Do not rush to make the shelf beautiful jars with fitness models on the labels. If you listen to advertising, you might think that buying a bunch of magic powders and ampoules can turn into a miss bikini for a week without getting off the couch.

First, collect information about different manufacturers, do not buy the sports nutrition for muscle mass, which is sold in your fitness club. It is possible that there is a contract between the distributor and the management, so you can not count on objective advice. What sports nutrition is best for you can tell at specialized forums, groups in social networks, etc. Still, there are mostly people who are disinterested in gain, who have objective opinions.

In addition to all known protein cocktails, you can add to your diet creatine, carnitine, glutamine, arginine and other complexes that can improve your performance. Reminds a little lesson of chemistry, in part so it is. But you need to add all this to your diet gradually, carefully studying the characteristics of the product and thinking carefully about whether you need it.

Sports nutrition: benefits

The use of sports nutrition is quite obvious, your body will receive all the necessary elements for development and recovery after intensive training in a short time. When your schedule is not a standard set of work plus a house, and the energy consumption has increased considerably, without special additives it is very difficult to do. And you need to always be full of energy, cheerful and in a good mood, because in addition to the gym you have other aspects of life for which you need strength.

Therefore, without fanaticism, start giving the body an additional source of protein and other components, and you will see that your body began to change faster, and you are increasingly approaching the cherished dream of a beautiful sports figure.