What is before training?

In the human body, along with food, proteins, fats and carbohydrates come. Consider what to eat before training, and what is better to give up.

Carbohydrates before training - the main source of "fast energy" necessary for the work of the brain and muscles.

Fats are contraindicated before use, as they slow down digestion and are considered a serious food for the stomach.

Proteins before training will not give us additional energy, but as sources of amino acids necessary for muscle growth and work will favorably affect the synthesis of protein immediately after training.

From the products of sports nutrition before exercise, often use protein, which due to the content of high-quality protein contributes to the effective work of muscles and the further increase in muscle mass. Those who want to get rid of excess fat and get extra energy take before training a L-carnitine, which possesses lipotropic properties.

Can I eat before training?

Eating before exercise is a necessary source of nutrients, without which there will be no full and effective work. Therefore, there is always a need, but you need to know how long before the training can be eaten. The optimal time for eating is about 2-3 hours before the start, but depending on the individual characteristics of the body, the reception time can be increased. As for fitness nutrition, in small amounts and the correct combination of proteins and carbohydrates can be eaten even 15-30 minutes before training, but not more than 25 g of products. For example, a loaf, a spoonful of raisins or a few crackers will give a charge of vivacity and energy for the time of exercising and in no way harm.

What is better to eat before training?

Food should be properly balanced and easy, so it is worth to give up fatty and heavy food, as well as limit the amount. The average portion should be 300-400 g.

It is best to eat low-fat varieties of meat and fish in combination with carbohydrates in the form of boiled pasta, potatoes, cereal and bread.

There are a number of products that are often misleading in the matter of the benefits or harm of their use before training. Consider the most popular of them.

Sugar in the form in which we put it in tea, has almost no nutritional value for the body and 99% is nothing more than a simple carbohydrate and contains neither minerals nor vitamins. But! It is simple carbohydrates that give us quick energy, but their excess is stored by the body in the form of fat. Sugar before the training is, of course, possible, but it is better to replace it with some complex carbohydrate, for example raisins or black chocolate.

Banana is a source of good mood and energy. This fruit contains iron, calcium, magnesium, potassium and phosphorus. Also in the banana is fructose , sucrose, glucose, fiber and vitamin C. In addition, bananas contain tryptophan - protein, which is subsequently processed into serotonin, popularly called the "hormone of happiness." Bananas can be eaten, both before and after training, for additional energy and successful recovery.

Cottage cheese contains all the essential amino acids and is popular among athletes as a source of protein and other nutrients. But do not forget that cottage cheese is digested for a long time, so it is best to use it after exercise. Before training, curds can be eaten for 4-5 hours and not in very large quantities.

Eggs are an excellent source of protein, but raw chicken eggs increase the risk of catching salmonella. Therefore, you should treat their use with caution. Eggs before exercise can be, but it is better and more effective to do it after it. Just pay attention to the fact that the boiled egg white is digested better than raw, and the yolk is assimilated better in raw form.

Raw eggs before training - a popular product among beginners "kachkov", but their benefits are too exaggerated. The use of protein is much more effective after physical exertion to increase protein synthesis, as well as rapid and full recovery.