Breathing during fights

When a woman learns that she is pregnant, first of all, she studies the information about the bearing of the baby, his upbringing, trying not to think about the upcoming births, tk. many have fear in this regard. But in fact, it is necessary to think about preparing for canopies long before their beginning, to study and practice the technique of correct breathing during fights, so as to calmly observe it during childbirth.

What to do when the fights began?

At the very beginning of the bout, they do not bring severe pain and discomfort, they do not show much and release. But further they begin to increase, bringing with them painful sensations all the stronger and stronger. When contractions occur with breaks of 10 minutes, or less, a woman must go to the hospital .

When regular contractions begin, with a small interval in time, you can not suppress pain, scream, clamp your abdominal muscles. Such methods will not ease the condition, but only weaken and exhaust the body more quickly, but the pain will not pass. Also, excess stress will slow the correct and rapid process of opening the cervix, and in this case, doctors will have to resort to stimulation of childbirth. Because clamping badly affects the health of the baby and in some cases leads to his oxygen starvation. Therefore, it is extremely important to ease the condition to observe the correct rhythm of breathing during fights.

Technique of breathing in bouts

At the first bouts you need to inhale through your nose in four counts, and exhale - into six accounts through the mouth, while the lips are folded "in the tube." Such breathing during contractions relaxes muscles, fills the body of the mother and baby with oxygen, and brings a calming effect. When using this technique, you need to keep tabs, it distracts from thoughts of pain and focuses your attention on observing the rhythm of inspiration-exhalation.

With increasing intensity of labor, one should calm breathing. This can be achieved by applying the breathing technique "dog-like": for this you need to breathe, opening your mouth and sticking out your tongue lightly, superficially, as in the heat of it dogs do. Do not be shy, since the maternity hospital is not the place where you need to think about how you will look, in this situation you need to think only about the health of the child and to facilitate the process of childbirth. Moreover, such methods will not only be used by you.

When the cervix is ​​opened , the correct breathing during fights should become faster: a superficial breath through the nose and a quick exhalation through the mouth, while again fold the lips "into the tube". When the pain recedes, it is necessary to try to calm the breath. We can say that this method allows you to "breathe" acute pain.

During the attempt (strong contractions), the child is born. When it begins, it is necessary to breathe in and out, as directed by the doctor, while taking as much as possible a deep breath and hold your breath for 10 to 15 seconds, and you need to press. Simultaneously pull the handrails of the couch to yourself, resting on the heels, look at the navel. You do not need to push the "head" or the anus, because in the first case you can get a hemorrhage in the eye sockets, retinal detachment or stroke, in the second case you can earn a serious hemorrhoids. If there is a feeling of lack of air, you need to make a gentle exhalation and again take a deep breath. During one attempt, the inhalation-exhalation-exhalation process should be carried out about three times.

In between the attempts to breathe slowly and deeply.

It is worth remembering that the interval between contractions should be used for relaxation and rest of the body. A compliance with breathing techniques during labor makes it easier to give birth.

It is not difficult to perform this breathing technique, but it is better to start practicing in advance and bring the process to automaticity. In this case, you will be prepared and be able to apply, at certain moments, a particular rhythm of breathing, relieving yourself of the condition. You will also feel more confident in controlling your condition.