Dry shampoo at home

Dry shampoos appeared relatively recently, but they already managed to win the confidence of the fair sex. And surprising there is nothing in it - the means in fact help to put your head in order for several minutes without using water, foam and towels.

Recipes for making dry shampoo at home

Dry shampoos can be done at home. And they are obtained not worse than those that can be found on sale in specialized stores. Yes, and to prepare them takes quite a bit of time.

How to make a dry shampoo from flour and salt at home?


Preparation and use

Mix the ingredients and apply to the roots of hair and leave for a few minutes. The remains of the powder should be carefully combed out with a brush, comb or scallop. This tool is ideal for light-blond and curly ringlets.

Recipe for dry shampoo for blondes at home


Preparation and use are similar to the previous recipe.

Dry shampoo for black and chestnut hair at home


Preparation and use

Mix all ingredients thoroughly. If desired, the product can be taken on the road. To do this, it needs to be poured into a salt shaker with large holes.

What else can replace dry shampoo at home?

Very good cleanses the hair of flour with almonds and violet roots.

Prescription means


Preparation and use

The root of the violet is finely chopped and mixed with the rest of the ingredients. Leave the remedy on your hair for about five minutes.