In one breast there is not enough milk - what to do?

Breastfeeding is the key to the development of a healthy and happy baby. Modern moms are actively interested in the topic of establishing breastfeeding, milk production, the right ways of applying and try to feed the kids with their milk as long as possible. Although this process is a natural, settled nature, the questions still arise from time to time. One of them - what to do if there is not enough milk in one breast?

Causes of different amounts of milk

It is worth saying that situations where much less milk is produced in one breast than in another is not uncommon. There may be several reasons for this. In very rare cases, the reason lies in the physiological features of the structure or previously transferred operations on one breast. But since these are rather exceptions, we will not focus on them. The main reason for different amounts of milk is the difference in stimulation. As is known, the more milk the baby needs, the more often it is applied, the more it stimulates the mother's nipple and the more milk is produced. The reasons for the difference in stimulation may be several:

The main error in the case of a problem

The child, in spite of his tiny age, already understands that milk is poured from one breast into the mouth, and in order to get it from another, one must actively work. At this stage, some babies begin to manipulate their mothers, turning away from the smaller breasts, pulling their legs and demanding at all costs to give them a "good" chest. Unfortunately, mothers often go on provocations and meet the child's requirements, giving him the opportunity to enjoy an easy-earned lunch. Thus, a vicious circle is created, the breast, in which there is already so little milk, is deprived of stimulation, which causes the milk to become even smaller.

Actions to establish a uniform output

The main actions of the mother in the case of a different influx of milk should be directed at the fact that by stimulating the alignment of the production.

  1. To begin with, for a period before reaching the result, make a breast with less milk "leading". Begin with her all the feedings, after giving after it to suck the baby's second breast.
  2. Try that period, when the child sucks his breast the longest, for example, before dreams or at night offer him only a smaller breast.
  3. If the problem is in the construction of the nipple or the wrong attachment to one of the breasts, direct efforts to teach the baby to take it and learn how to properly give it. If you can not manage on your own, it is better to consult a doctor or a breastfeeding consultant.
  4. If the baby quickly throws a breast with less milk, do not give up and offer it again and again. If attempts are still futile, you will have to actively express it by hand or breast pump. The task is not simple, but the faster you increase the production of milk in it, the faster the baby will start to help you, stimulating the breast by yourself.

Rules of prevention

Preventing the production of less milk in one of the breasts is extremely simple - from the very beginning of breastfeeding or after solving the problem of obtaining a different amount, try to always alternately alternate the application on the left and right. Try to remember clearly, with what breasts were fed the last time. Even at night, do not allow a child to suck only one breast. If you need to express, express an equal amount of milk from both breasts.