What should not be eaten during breastfeeding?

The period of breastfeeding the baby places serious restrictions on the life of the young mother. Including, a woman at this time needs to closely monitor what she eats, because some products can cause irreparable harm to the health and life of crumbs.

At the same time, this does not mean at all that during lactation it is necessary to deprive oneself of all pleasures and to give up most dishes. In fact, if the baby does not have a tendency to allergies, the nursing mother can eat almost anything, except for a certain list of foods.

In this article, we will tell you that you can not eat when breastfeeding and give a list of prohibited foods.

What can not be eaten while breastfeeding?

First of all, it should be noted that the use of which drinks is not recommended during breastfeeding. This is all alcohol-containing drinks and medicines, carbonated lemonades and water, as well as strong tea and coffee.

The list of things that can not be eaten while breastfeeding includes the following products:

Of course, the list of what can not be eaten with lactation is very relative. After all, the organism of each child is individual, and there is no guarantee that it will be from these products that it will have adverse consequences or complications. At the same time, some babies do not tolerate other dishes that are not included in this list.

That is why most young mothers today make the decision that one should not eat during breastfeeding in their particular case by the "trial and error" method. Gradually trying everything, the woman closely follows the reaction of the crumbs and notes the unfavorable manifestations, if necessary adjusting the diet.

Only in this way can she identify those products that cause individual intolerance to crumbs and exclude his contact with allergens. In addition, some dishes may adversely affect the baby's digestive tract. To avoid this, before expanding the diet of a young mother, you need to consult a doctor.