Vision in newborns

The baby becomes the object of close study of the parents immediately after their birth. Parents examine it from head to foot, trying to find similarities and admire the long-awaited crumbs. Eyes of a child - the subject of special attention, because it is so interesting to find out what is hidden in the sight of a sweet crumb.

Unlike hearing, which develops even in the womb, the development of vision in newborns begins from the moment of birth and is improved throughout the first year. The child who has just come into this world, sees quite differently from adults. Visual acuity in newborns is at the level of perception of the presence or absence of a source of light. The Kid is also able to notice moving objects, which is why he quickly remembers the mother's declining face. The whole world surrounding the baby is a blurred gray picture, which is associated with the immaturity of the retina and visual cents in the brain. Those. the baby is physically able to see from birth, but the brain is not yet ready to process the information.

Checking eyesight in newborns

In order to ensure that the baby has no abnormalities in the development of the organs of vision, he should be shown to a specialist. The first examination is done in the maternity home, then in the clinic in 1 month and in six months. The doctor examines the eyes and assesses the condition of the visual function.

1 month. In the first month the child learns to focus on light sources and large bright objects. For example, a child can see the flame of a candle or the light of a lamp, and also see a toy more than 15 cm at a distance of about 25-30 cm. Surprisingly, babies initially look horizontally, and later they begin to look and vertically. Also, parents can notice that the eyes of the baby are looking in different directions. Do not be scared, in the first month is normal. And only by the end of the second month the movements of both eyes should become coordinated.

2 month. In the following months, the baby has the ability to distinguish colors. It is noted that, first of all, the baby learns to distinguish between yellow and red, as well as contrasting colors such as white and black. Also the child can follow the movement of the toy in your hands. At this age, visual development is facilitated by laying the baby on the stomach, and moving with the baby around the room during the waking period. From 2 months you can hang a baby's mobile phone or bright toys over the baby's bed. You can also display black and white images for the development of the newborn's vision, which will stimulate the formation of the visual system. This can be an image of a chessboard, wide strips or squares.

3-4 months. From this age, the child develops the ability to control his own hands and grab a visible object. Invite the child to take in the hands of various bright toys, for example, rattles so that he learns to define such concepts as size and shape.

5-6 months. The child begins to actively explore his immediate environment, he carefully examines your facial features and facial expressions. The kid learns to distinguish the distance to the object, and also actively improves the skills of grasping. His favorite toys are his own hands and feet. The child also learns to understand what a familiar object is in front of him, if he sees his part.

7-12 month. The child begins to realize the permanence of objects: the kid already knows that you have not disappeared anywhere, playing hide and seek with him. He also begins to actively look for the missing object, realizing that the thing has moved somewhere.

The development of vision, as well as other abilities of the baby, is due to close contact with adults. Spend more time with the child, and then the progress of development of vision will be evident.