Thrush in babies

Thrush in infants, as well as adults, manifests itself as a whitish plaque of the oral mucosa. Many young parents can associate it with the remains of breast milk or a mixture, but unlike them, white coating does not disappear, and after it is removed, it appears again. We will try to consider in detail how the thrush of the infant develops, its main causes and treatment.

The causes of thrush in infants

The appearance of a thrush in an infant is associated with the reproduction of the fungus of the genus Candida on the mucous membranes. Quite often its appearance is associated with the peculiarities of the baby's body. So, the skin and mucous membranes of a newborn baby are sterile and do not have beneficial bacteria that protect them from pathological microbes and fungi. In addition, the dermal glands of the infant still do not work at full strength and do not disclose a secret that envelops the child's skin in the form of an invisible "hydrolipid mantle," which also plays the role of protection.

Among the most frequent endogenous causes of thrush are the following:

  1. Children who are on artificial feeding (cheap milk formulas) and premature babies . In this category of children, the level of protection factors has been significantly reduced.
  2. Frequent vomiting and regurgitation.
  3. Presence of such pathological conditions as: hypotrophy, rickets, anemia, intestinal microflora disorder (dysbacteriosis), metabolic disorders.

Now let's present a list of exogenous causes:

  1. Various kinds of trauma to the mucous membrane of the oral cavity of the baby, while any wound can become a site of infection (both bacterial and fungal).
  2. Reception of antibiotics that kill or do not allow the settling of useful bacteria, and also reduces the protective forces of the baby's body in the fight against microbes and fungi. Resistance of the body is also reduced when taking cytostatics and hormones.
  3. Candida vulvovaginitis in the mother during pregnancy.
  4. A baby can be infected by contact with a relative who is the carrier of a fungal spore.

Thrush in infants - the main symptoms

The most characteristic sign of the thrush of the oral cavity in the infant is white, curdled raids on the oral mucosa. When they are removed after a while they again appear (lips, the inner side of the cheeks, gums, the sky). Characteristic changes in the mucous membrane under a white coating, it is bright red, edematic and has an increased sensitivity. The mucous membrane is damaged even with insignificant effects, opening the gate to penetrate the bacterial infection.

The kid can be anxious and capricious, give up the breast and bottle. Or, taking a breast (a bottle), suddenly begins to cry sharply.

Than to treat a thrush at a babe?

For the treatment of oral candidiasis, local antifungal agents are used ( Candida solution, Nystatin drops). The duration of treatment is 5-10 days. The drug is canceled after consultation with a pediatrician. In addition, it is recommended to treat the mouth with a warm soda solution (1 teaspoon of soda is added to 1 liter of warm boiled water). Having soaked a cotton swab in this solution, they moisten the whole mucous mouth of the child with it. Such manipulation should be carried out every 3 hours or soak the baby's nipple in it.

Therefore, when the first symptoms of thrush appear, you should immediately consult a doctor to start treatment in time. Delayed treatment can lead to the generalization of a fungal infection, as well as attachment of a bacterial infection.