How to cook frozen vegetables?

Frozen vegetables in our days have become so to say "wand-zashchalochko" for many housewives. After all, it's quite simple, you just need to get them out of the refrigerator, and after 15 minutes you already have a useful ready-made breakfast on the table, a hearty meal or a light diet dinner.

And thanks to the current technology of shock freezing, frozen vegetables contain as many vitamins and nutrients as fresh ones. Such vegetables, unlike fresh ones, are available to us at any time of the year. But that they do not lose the useful properties contained in them, they need to be able to properly prepare, or rather say - cook! Let's consider with you how to prepare frozen vegetables!

How to cook frozen vegetables?

So, how to prepare fresh-frozen vegetables. Pour a little water into a saucepan, at the rate of 100 ml of water for every 500 g of vegetables. Then salt to taste, bring the water to a boil and gently put vegetables into it, without previously getting or defrosting. Since they are very cold, they immediately stop the boiling. Cover the pan with a lid and wait for the water to bubble again.

If the vegetables are cooked by frozen blocks, and not by individual pieces, they will be cooked unevenly, so take the fork and gently divide them. Next, add seasoning, spicy herbs, reduce heat to a minimum and close tightly with a lid. Since we did not pour too much water, it is important that it does not evaporate, and the vegetables are cooked as if for a couple. After all, they will preserve their shape, color and useful properties better.

How much to cook frozen vegetables? Cooking vegetables, in accordance with the recommendations specified on the package. If you have frozen home-made vegetables or no instructions, then be guided by the fact that cabbage (colored, broccoli, etc.), zucchini, chopped carrots are cooked for about 5 minutes. String and Chinese beans, peas, as well as corn slightly less, about 3-5 minutes, deciduous vegetables, such as spinach, are prepared even faster - in 2-3 minutes.

Once the vegetables are ready, turn off the fire and gently drain all the water. If you leave them in a hot liquid, they will become overcooked and not tasty.

If you suddenly do not have time to follow the vegetables, stir, then you can cook them in the kitchen assistant. Let's learn in more detail how to prepare frozen vegetables in a multivark.

For this, we spread the vegetables in a special container. Close the lid, leaving a small hole to exit the steam. We turn it on to the highest power for the "Steam cooking" mode for about 5 minutes. After time, we take out the vegetables, check the readiness with a fork or knife. If they are still not welded, put them in the multivark at the same capacity for another 2-3 minutes. Next, leave them in a hot bowl for 3 minutes, so that the vegetables finally reached the desired condition.

Let's now sum up the results and list the basic rules of how to prepare frozen vegetables:

And by the way, all frozen vegetables, this is a real salvation for young mothers who are mistrustful of canned vegetable purees in cans. So think about freezing vegetables at home ! For starters, find out, for example, how to freeze mushrooms , and then proceed according to general rules and recommendations.