Spirituality of man

Recently, one can often hear talk about the problem of the spirituality of modern society. Religious leaders, cultural figures and even deputies talk a lot and beautifully, get angry at the media, speaking of the destructive impact on the younger generation. And it can not be said that no measures have been taken to develop and educate the spirituality of the individual - information given through the mass media is strictly monitored, religious subjects are introduced in schools, and on the central television channels one can see the programs led by spiritual pastors. Nobody says that this is bad, but it is doubtful that all these actions could help solve the problem of human spirituality. Why, let's figure it out.

What is the spirituality of man?

Before talking about the spirituality and lack of spirituality of the individual, it is necessary to determine what should be understood by these concepts, since there are many misconceptions in this area.

Roughly speaking, spirituality is a desire for self-perfection of the spirit, a lack of attachments to sensual life, low pleasures. Consequently, lack of spirituality is the desire to satiate (not to be confused with elementary satisfaction) the needs of one's physical self, without thinking about anything else.

Often spirituality of a person is associated with religion, visiting religious institutions and reading literature of this kind. But still it is impossible to put an equal sign between religiosity and spirituality, there are many examples where people who regularly attend church are the worst representatives of the human race. The cross (crescent, red thread on the wrist) is only a symbol of spirituality, but not its manifestation.

It can not be said that spirituality depends on education - the knowledge of Newton's laws, the dates of the baptism of Rus and the names of the apostles will not save a person from deafness to another's pain and suffering. Therefore, when we are told that the introduction of religious education will contribute to the laying of the foundations of spirituality, one can only sympathize with such inept guile.

Spirituality is not taught in school, life teaches it. Someone is already coming into the world with this quality, which, as it grows older, turns into a clear realization that everything tangible - transitory and without inner filling does not make any sense. Someone needs serious life tests to comprehend this simple truth. Thus, spirituality is always a conscious choice of a person, and not an opinion imposed by someone. It's like music that we listen to at the behest of the heart, and not on the advice of music critics.

Sometimes you can hear that a modern woman, culture and spirituality, the concepts are not comparable, they say, we are so bogged down in everyday problems, we love money so much that there is no more room for anything. Maybe this opinion has a right to exist, only let those who say so try to remember when they last faded in front of the beautiful picture, without trying to calculate how much this miracle can cost.