Figs for weight loss

Interestingly, in folk medicine, a fruit like figs is used to lose weight with the same success as for weight gain. It all depends on how you apply this amazing product.

How many calories are in the fig?

Dried figs have a high calorie content, rather than fresh. However, they are difficult to find fresh in our latitudes, and a much more affordable dried version, which contains 214 calories per 100 grams. Do not panic: this delicacy is so luscious that it is unlikely that you will manage to eat it a lot.

How useful is dried figs?

Consider the useful properties of the slimming properties of figs - they will not be so little! The main thing is to understand that all the forces of this fruit can only become an addition to your weight loss program - count on the result, attributing this fruit to the usual diet, it is better not worth it. And now about the properties themselves:

  1. This amazing fruit is one of the leaders in the content of potassium, which not only contributes to the proper operation of the muscles, including the heart muscle, but also removes excess fluid from the body. Thanks to this property, you can easily lose weight, because the liquid will not stay in the tissues.
  2. The structure of the fig is vitamin B6, which is responsible for the production of serotonin (it is called the hormone of joy). That's why using figs in losing weight will avoid a depressed mood.
  3. Fig is the only plant that includes omega-6 and omega-3. These are the same fatty acids, for which fish oil is so much appreciated. They are necessary for the health of the nervous system and heart - which will also help maintain a stable mood during weight loss.
  4. Figs very quickly cause a feeling of saturation, so you can not overeat. And the special substances in this fruit suppress the feeling of hunger for a long time.
  5. Grains that hide in the figs stimulate the work of the gastrointestinal tract, so that this fruit even better helps lose weight.

Properties of dried figs can fully replace them with fresh figs for slimming, and just as a delicious treat.

Figs: harm

Unfortunately, this product is contraindicated in people with the following diseases:

Of course, these people should not eat and compote or jam from figs, as well as any dishes with his participation.

Figs for weight loss: methods

Do not expect that adding a fig to your regular food will change something. Losing weight is always a refusal of overeating, sweets and fatty foods, as well as fast food. Only in this case, auxiliary actions give an effect:

  1. The easiest way to lose weight on a diet with figs is to replace them with dinner. So you can eat as long as you want. If you use a dried version, put it in cold water 30 minutes before a meal for softening.
  2. Method for sweet tooth - replace all your candy and cakes with figs. It should be eaten separately from everything, in an hour and a half after eating.
  3. Alternatively, you can include figs in different dishes. Consider how to cook figs in order to replace their breakfast and feel satiety much longer than usual:
  4. Salad with figs and prunes. Mix finely chopped figs, prunes and nuts in a 1: 1: 1 ratio. Season the salad with lemon juice.
  5. Salad with figs and mozzarella. In equal parts, crumble the figs, mozzarella and ham. Season with olive oil and lemon juice.

Mixing figs with different products, you will be pleasantly surprised by a variety of tastes, which means that your breakfasts will be interesting and varied. The main thing is, after such a breakfast you will easily wait for dinner and will not overeat.