School day schedule

Sometimes, when a child is brought to school, parents can forget about such a component of his lifestyle as a regime. The child should be made a daily routine to ensure the safety of his health. The daily routine of modern schoolchildren can differ by age criterion, the change in which he is studying, and the state of health. All the nuances of compiling the daily routine will be explained in this article.

What will include the regime of the day?

The mode of the day obligatory provides:


The child must eat five times a day. Meals include: breakfast, lunch, afternoon snack, dinner and a second dinner. All meals should be nutritious and healthy. If breakfast, lunch and dinner are designed for a full meal, then a snack and a second dinner can include a bun, fruit, kefir, tea, juice.

The significance of the day mode for the schoolchild in terms of eating is colossal. The child should eat at the same time - this ensures normal functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. Nutrition can not lead to serious illnesses, for example, gastritis or peptic ulcer.

Physical exercise

Under the physical stress for schoolchildren understand: the performance of morning exercises and exercises in between the decision of homework, active outdoor games, as well as walking in the fresh air. The degree of load differs depending on age. For sick children, it is adjusted by specialists.


Human biorhythms provide for two periods of active working capacity - the time from 11:00 - 13:00 and from 16:00 - 18:00. The training schedule and the period of the homework assignments by children should be calculated for these biorhythms.

Compliance with hygiene

To maintain the state of their own health, the child must be accustomed to the implementation of hygiene standards. These include the morning toilet, which includes oral care and face care, and evening, when the child in addition to oral care should take a shower. Good schooling habits should include washing hands before eating and after visiting the street.


The mode of the school day should be organized so that he falls asleep and wakes up at the same time. This gives the child the opportunity to fully sleep, easy to wake up and be active and alert during the day. A healthy sleep for a child lasts 9.5-10 hours.

You can see the approximate mode of the student's day in the table. Differences in the charts are due to the age characteristics of children.

Junior High School Day Mode

The correct mode of the day for a primary school student involves fewer hours for doing homework. The emerging time should be allocated to physical activity, which is still very necessary for children at this age. The maximum time for watching a TV for a junior high school student is 45 minutes. The nervous system of children should not be heavily loaded, because it is not yet perfect.

Day of the senior student

The schoolchildren have their own peculiarities of organizing the regime of the day. Hormonal failures, and a large mental strain also require rest and relaxation between lessons and homework. Rest for children should not be passive. It will be useful to simply change the type of activity, for example, the mental load to replace physical.

Children, starting at the age of 10, should increasingly be involved in household duties. This paragraph, stipulated by the regime of the day, is of great importance in the life of the student, as it allows you to work hard.

The regime of the day of the schoolchild studying in 2 shifts

Training in the second shift implies a slightly different organization of the school day. So, the child performs homework in the morning, half an hour after breakfast. This time of doing housework allows him to free him for a long walk in the fresh air before school. Before school, the child should have lunch, and at school - eat a snack. In the evening, doing lessons is not recommended, since the body can no longer function normally. The time allocated for helping the parents around the house is also shortened. The time of ascent and retirement remains the same as for the first shift students.