Belly at 16 weeks gestation

In the period of expectation of the baby, the future moms constantly notice changes that occur with their appearance, figure, and also psycho-emotional state. In particular, one of the main signs, which more often than others gives out an "interesting" position to others, is rounding and enlarging the abdomen.

Such changes first appear in different periods of pregnancy, but most women in 15-16 weeks have already had to change the wardrobe, because the rounded waist does not allow them to wear "pre-pregnant" things. However, this circumstance depends on many factors.

What does the belly look like on the 16th week of pregnancy?

Since the uterus at this time increases quite impressive, the tummy of the future mother in the vast majority of cases is already clearly forward. Especially noticeable are such changes in women who expect the birth of a second or subsequent baby. In primiparous girls at the age of 16 weeks of pregnancy, the abdomen does not always grow, because the muscles and ligaments of the abdomen and uterus are not stretched yet. For the same reason, the mummified mummies on this date already often feel the first movements of their baby, whereas for those women who are preparing to become a mother for the first time, this moment has to wait for a long time.

In addition, the size of the abdomen at the 16th week of pregnancy and, in particular, whether it is small or large, depends not only on what kind of child the expectant mother expects, but also on other factors, namely:

Thus, the absence of the abdomen at the 16th week of pregnancy does not always indicate a dysfunctional period of waiting for the baby. At the same time, in such a situation it is necessary to consult a doctor to rule out the hypohydrate that arises in the presence of placental insufficiency, various inflammatory diseases of the future mother, disruption of the excretory system of the child and other causes.

A similar situation is observed if in 16 weeks of pregnancy the abdomen suddenly disappeared. Since this can be a consequence of both the normalization of the digestive tract and the disappearance of flatulence, as well as various abnormalities on the part of the pregnant woman's body, it is necessary to consult a doctor.