Pearl barley for weight loss

Many do not know that not too popular pearl barley can be used for weight loss. The composition of this cereal includes a large number of useful substances, which improve the activity of the whole body and help in the fight against excess weight.

Useful Properties of Perlova

This method of losing weight is effective in that it supplies the body with all the necessary substances, cleanses the intestines, improves digestion and gives the necessary energy. Also, it is not superfluous to know how many calories are in the pearl bar, as this affects the effectiveness and speed of weight loss. This porridge refers to low-calorie foods, so 100 grams are only 106 kcal. The cereal contains complex carbohydrates, which are digested for a long time in the body and provide satiety. There is a phosphorus in the barley necessary for the normalization of metabolic processes in the body. Included in the composition of this product and lysine, which increases the rate of fission of fats. Thanks to fiber, pearl barley cleanses the intestines from toxins and decay products, all of which in turn contribute to weight loss.

Diet on Perlovka

First option

This method of weight loss is designed for a week and during this time you can lose up to 7 kg of excess weight. It is very important for 30 minutes before and after the same time after the main meal to drink 1 tbsp. water.

1-st day : during the day you need to eat 5 servings of pearl barley. In the evening, one small apple is allowed.

Day 2 : Also takes place on a pearl barley cooked on the water, but also you can afford 2 bananas. These 2 days will be the most difficult for you, because during this period the intestines are cleaned and excess fluid comes out.

3rd day : this time except porridge is allowed to eat 15 nuts and the same raisins. Already at this time you will notice how your face has refreshed, swelling and swelling have gone away. From this time, fat reserves start to be burned.

4 th day : during this period, the evening portion is allowed to replace 150 g of low-fat cottage cheese. Even on this day you can eat 100 g of low-fat veal, which should be cooked for a couple or boil without using salt and spices.

5th-6th day : again, a pearl barley on the water, but you can add 100 g of low-fat beef and banana to each meal.

The 7th day : porridge and beef.

The second option

There is also a 5-day diet, which will lose up to 5 kg. At this time, the menu is the same: pearl barley, green tea without sugar, water and before going to bed you can drink a skim milk machine.

Helpful information

To make the diet bring the desired effect, it is important to observe several important rules:

  1. During the preparation of cereals, you can not use salt, sugar and any fats.
  2. Pearl barley should be soaked for half a day, and then it is boiled for an hour. As a result, the croup will increase approximately 4 times.
  3. If they pre-soaked the cereal beforehand, they should wash it and pour boiling water for several hours.
  4. During this diet is very important to drink the required amount of water at least 1.5 liters.
  5. It is necessary to get out gradually from the diet on the pearl barley.
  6. To save your result it is recommended to make a portion of pearl barley in your constant diet, it is best to eat it for breakfast. For a change, you can add fruit, berries, dried fruits and nuts to it.
  7. You can use the diet on this crop once a month.

It is necessary to understand that pearl barley does not have the ability to burn fats. Weight loss is due to a reduction in the caloric intake of the diet and cleansing the body of toxins and excess fluid.


Despite the huge number of benefits of losing weight with pearl barley is not recommended for people who suffer from problems with the gastrointestinal tract, as well as pregnant women.