Watermelon seeds - good and bad

Nutritionists believe that neglect of the seeds of watermelon is the result of ignorance of their useful properties, while the benefits of watermelon seeds for the human body established a long time ago. In addition, cooked in a certain way, they become an unusual wonderful treat.

Especially useful for those who are constantly engaged in sports or associated with frequent physical activity. Their use will be an ideal opportunity to replenish energy.

Why are the seeds of watermelon useful?

They found a large number of useful substances:

In the seeds of watermelon, a complex of minerals and trace elements has been discovered that have a beneficial effect on the activity of the whole organism. Among them, magnesium, which functions as a "regulator" of blood pressure and glucose level.

Zinc, which is part of the bones, helps to strengthen the immune system, has a positive effect on the condition of hair, nails and skin. Iron in the seeds of watermelon actively participates in hematopoiesis, and the vitamins of group B and a whole set of amino acids support the nervous system in a balanced state.

Who should not eat the watermelon seeds?

At the same time, the seeds of watermelon can bring not only good, but also harm.

  1. It is worth noting that watermelon seeds are contraindicated to those who suffer from kidney disease. This is due to the presence in the bones of citrulline - an absolutely useless, according to doctors, amino acid, which, moreover, can also harm such people, as it disrupts the bladder.
  2. They will not bring watermelon seeds of benefit, but can seriously damage those who are obese, since the seeds of watermelon have a high caloric content: 100 grams of seeds contain 557 kcal, which is more than a third of the daily rate of calorie intake.
  3. They are contraindicated for pregnant women, mothers who breastfeed, and children up to the age of three. This is due to the high content of protein in them, as well as the presence of the already mentioned amino acid - citrulline.
  4. As for office employees and all those whose activities lead to hypodynamia, as well as pensioners who like to spend a lot of time sitting on a bench, it is better for them to limit the consumption of seeds. This is due to the fact that the bones of watermelon, which is distinguished by the undoubted benefits, can cause these categories of people and significant harm due to high caloric content and a significant level of protein content.

An excellent delicacy can be obtained if the watermelon seeds are fried with the addition of salt. If you are more fond of sweet, then raw or roasted bones should be dipped in honey, allow it to drain, and then dry well. However, remember that the seeds of watermelon, the benefits of which are confirmed by years of research, can be harmful to health if you use them excessively or neglect the restrictions associated with your health.