Vitamins for the brain and improving its performance

A clear mind dictates behavior in society, makes it possible to realize the abilities bestowed by nature, for even the golden hands of the toiler are governed by the head. To adjust the work of the intellect after mental stresses or ailments will help vitamins for the brain, they can be bought at the pharmacy or you can choose the natural way - by eating the right foods.

Vitamins for the brain and memory

Excellent memory and a strong mind are needed by a person at any age. The main stimulants of memory - vitamins for the work of the brain belong to the group B. Active work of the central nervous system, is provided by the ingestion of antioxidants that protect the brain during periods of hard work, and do not allow early death - the aging of cells, saturating them with oxygen.

With a lack of vitamins from group B , work on the synthesis of amino acids is hampered, neurons blunt the process of impulse transmission among themselves, memory suppression begins. Useful food for the intellect should support the work of the mind, improve the emotional state of a person in the norm. The best vitamins for the brain, on the basis of which the daily ration is built by mental workers - representatives of group B.

Vitamins after a stroke of the brain

Stroke is a disease that occurs when there is a malfunction in the circulation of the brain. To a certain area, blood and oxygen do not flow, which leads to the withering away of the zone. Regular intake of vitamin preparations in this case becomes a method of increasing immunity, preventing a second stroke. Vitamins for the brain with this disease:

  1. A - stimulator of growth of new cells, which form the resumption of tissue work. Contained in large quantities in - cheese, yolk, carrots, spinach, pumpkin, peaches, apricots, grapes.
  2. In - in the diet of the patient must be present in large quantities of vitamin B1, it increases cerebral circulation, normalizes blood pressure. Contained in bran, nuts, fish, buckwheat and oatmeal.
  3. C - stimulates the regeneration of blood vessels, which affects the increase of blood circulation . It is not produced by the body, so an important therapy in the treatment will be adding it to the diet. You should eat tomatoes, potatoes, cauliflower, broccoli, bell pepper, kiwi, citrus, black currant, dog rose, strawberry, pineapple, watermelon.
  4. D - improves blood composition, retains vessel walls, stimulates blood circulation. Is in fish and fish oil, caviar, cheese, butter, dairy products, parsley.
  5. E - promotes the restoration of brain tissue, struggles with changes in its structure. In large quantities there are in vegetable oils, nuts, seeds, olives, legumes, oatmeal, liver.
  6. K - improves blood circulation. It is found in leaves of plants, cabbage.

Vitamins in atherosclerosis of cerebral vessels

Appears atherosclerosis, in the process of accumulation of fat deposits on the vessels and aorta. In order to avoid complications of the disease - a stroke or a heart attack, doctors recommend changing the usual menu and switching to a healthy diet. Vitamins for cerebral vessels maintain a normal level of lipids in the blood, promote the assimilation of beneficial fats. Valuable elements in such a food system vitamins C and E are antioxidants, which remove the oxidation products from the body in the form of radicals.

Vitamins and minerals for the brain in epilepsy

Reception of antiepileptic medicines can weaken the immunity of the patient, cause seizures of headaches, provoke a drop in sugar in the blood, constipation, and cause vitamin deficiency. To prevent seizures, epileptics consume food 2 hours before bedtime. Useful vitamins for the brain remove from epileptics attacks of nervousness, irritability, drowsiness, lethargy, tenderness of muscles. Vitamins for the treatment of epilepsy:

Vitamins with concussion of the brain

The best vitamins for the brain after a concussion are all from group B, they normalize the work of the nervous system. Useful food for restoring health in this case - greens, vegetables, fruits and dried fruits. Prepare meals for patients in an easily digestible form, to avoid additional loads on the couple, the way of boiling. Products in which a high level of vitamins B:

Vitamins for the brain - products

The main products and vitamins for the brain are kept in large quantities in very affordable gifts of nature, the purchase of which will not devastate the wallet of the ordinary consumer. By purchasing products from store shelves, you can make a choice considering the benefits to the intellect-to choose foods containing vitamins to improve brain function. Products that work memory: