Lack of zinc in the body - symptoms

Many macro- and microelements are important for the proper functioning of the body. If a certain mineral is deficient, serious health problems can occur, which is why it is important to follow the symptoms.

Symptoms of zinc deficiency in the body

The amount of this mineral is adversely affected by many factors, for example, high-carbohydrate foods, foods rich in calcium, stress, high physical load, age, etc. Zinc deficiency in the body is dangerous because it leads to serious diseases that require expensive and prolonged treatment.

Symptoms of zinc deficiency in the body:

  1. Unexplained changes with the skin and first of all there is dryness, which does not disappear even with regular use of moisturizing creams. In addition, there are different eruptions, spots and even abrasions. It is worth noting also the deterioration of wound healing on the body.
  2. The lack of zinc in the body of a woman can be noticed first of all by the state of her fingernails, as they become very brittle. Many ladies still complain about the deterioration of hair pigmentation, and also note the appearance of a strange reddish hue.
  3. Mineral deficiency can be said according to the state of the eye. In most cases, strange redness occurs, and the risk of developing conjunctivitis and other diseases increases.
  4. The lack of zinc in the body affects the work of the nervous system. The person becomes irritable and inattentive, and also he constantly wants to sleep and the mood is at zero. Many people experience the appearance of trembling in the hands and feet, problems with speech and memory.
  5. For women, the lack of zinc is also dangerous because premature birth may occur and the process itself will be very long.
  6. Many people also note a lack of appetite and problems with the perception of flavors and flavors.

Noticing at least one symptom, it is necessary to consult a doctor.