How to explain the composition of the child to the child?

The school curriculum quite often puts parents of preschool children in a dead end, since at the beginning of the training they face the difficult task of preparing their child. One of the items on the list that a preschool child should be able and know, in addition to the usual account, is the number composition. Teaching children the composition of the number of the process is quite lengthy and you will need a good reserve of patience.

How can a child learn the composition of a number?

The main difficulty is that children at this age are much easier to perceive information on examples and associations. In other words, you have to literally show it on your fingers.

Before you help the child learn the composition of the number, prepare many simple objects: cones, balls, pens or pencils. Also to help you will come counting sticks, numeric houses or cards, which can be purchased at a stationery store or done by yourself. Here are a few options for how the child explains the composition of the number.

  1. Take, for example, pieces of 13 cones. Your task is to show the child that 13 means the number, but this number consists of 10 and 3. Then you can pick up a dozen cones and again decompose the three cones. Next, we show for preschoolers that the composition of the number three can also be decomposed into one and two.
  2. If the child does not understand the composition of the number, try to give him a "feel" this number. For example, decompose three pencils. First put two near and one a little further. Let the crumb count. Explain that the number three consists of one and two. Then place each pencil separately and let it count again. Explain that three times one by one will also give three.
  3. A great way how a child to explain the composition of a number, do it on simple everyday tasks. Before dinner, allow the baby to lay out the dishes himself (suppose a family of three people). First, give only one, and then ask how much he still does not have enough. Thus, the number composition for preschoolers can be explained.