Allergic rash

The study of various allergic reactions of the human body began as early as 1906, but to this day scientists do not have an unambiguous answer about the causes and methods of dealing with allergies. One of the manifestations of an allergic reaction is a rash on the skin, which can be accompanied by itching, runny nose, lacrimation and swelling.

Allergic rash on the body occurs due to contact with allergens, substances that cause a certain reaction of the body. There are several types of allergic rash, which can have both acute and chronic forms.

Hives are a sudden onset of an allergic rash in the arms, legs, abdomen and other parts of the body. Hives appear almost immediately after contact with the allergen and most often disappears within 24 hours. Eruptions have the appearance of pale red swelling, which can be localized in certain areas of the body or occupy a large surface of the skin. The need for hospitalization and emergency care depends on what an allergic rash looks like. In case of severe skin damage, or other changes in the patient's condition, such as fever, gastrointestinal upset, consult a doctor.

A serious complication of the allergic rash on the body and face can be swelling of the Quincke. Externally, the edema looks like a subcutaneous swelling, usually begins with the skin of the eyelids or cheeks, reaching the larynx region, can cause choking. Anaphylactic shock is also a serious allergic complication and can be fatal.

Another type of allergic rash is contact dermatitis, which affects only those parts of the body that are directly in contact with the allergen. The most common substances that cause contact dermatitis are various metals, decorative cosmetics, skin care products, household chemicals. Contact dermatitis may not appear immediately, but only after prolonged skin contact with the allergen. The affected area turns red, the itching starts, bubbles appear, filled with liquid. Treatment of an allergic rash of this kind first of all consists in revealing the allergen and stopping contact with this substance.

Treatment of allergic rash

Before you get rid of allergic rash on the skin, especially in children, it is recommended to undergo a test, for accurate diagnosis and detection of allergens.

The medicine for allergic rash should be prescribed by a specialist, based on the results of the analysis. For treatment, antihistamines and corticosteroids are used, ointments for local removal of inflammation and itching. It is worth noting that modern means of allergic rash are safer, have fewer contraindications due to the lack of side effects characteristic of older drugs. A wide selection of folk remedies, herbal tea and herbal infusions are often used to treat affected areas of the skin. Choosing what to treat an allergic rash, it is worth considering that an allergic reaction can occur on natural preparations. Therefore, when choosing medicines, it is necessary to check the sensitivity of the organism to the components that make up the composition, especially if it is herbal preparations. For the treatment of allergic rashes on the body, especially if a large area of ​​the skin is affected, it is better to use either proven drugs or to test the preparations in small areas of the skin, and in the absence of a negative reaction, use for the entire site. Treatment of allergic rash on the face, especially with contact dermatitis, should be done with extreme caution, since a more sensitive skin can be traumatized, so that traces may remain, which are difficult to get rid of later.

In addition, the treatment of allergic rash on the body is to use the means that increase the body's immunity. Despite the fact that there are many drugs for eliminating rash and other allergic reactions, it is impossible to completely get rid of the intolerance of allergens. Therefore, it is so important to establish the substance that causes the reaction, and then avoid contact with any products and preparations containing an allergen. But sometimes with prolonged contact with the allergen may develop immunity. For example, this is often observed with allergy to wool, which disappears when continuing to contact with animals.

People prone to allergies need to constantly maintain a healthy lifestyle, do not neglect prophylactic procedures, such as breathing exercises, proper nutrition, exercise. You should not forget about precaution, there should always be a proven means for allergy, especially if in case of complications it will be difficult to get emergency help.