Low blood pressure and high heart rate - what to do?

The main biological markers of the state of human health are 2 indicators - pressure and heart rate. There are established boundary values, inconsistency which indicates certain deviations in the functioning of the cardiovascular system. Often simultaneously there is too low pressure and high pulse - what to do with such a combination should the doctor decide after finding out the true causes of such symptoms.

What to do with low blood pressure and rapid heart rate?

The tactics of treatment depends, first of all, on the factors that triggered the tachycardia with a drop in pressure.

For example, the phenomenon under consideration is typical for abundant blood loss. To normalize the pulse rate and pressure, it is necessary to stop bleeding and in the shortest possible time to replenish the reserves of biological fluid.

Another reason for the described symptomatology is an acute shock state of various origins (cardiogenic, toxic, infectious-toxic, hemorrhagic, traumatic, anaphylactic). In this situation, before treating low blood pressure and high heart rate, it is important to immediately stabilize all the functions of the body, to carry out a number of emergency anti-shock measures.

More than half of all cases of tachycardia with hypotension cause vegeto-vascular dystonia . This disease is difficult to treat, as it requires a radical change in the patient's lifestyle, a transition to a completely healthy and natural diet, a rejection of all bad habits. It is necessary to get enough sleep every day, to give time to sufficient, but not excessive physical exertion.

In addition, a frequent pulse and high blood pressure accompanies the course of pregnancy. In this situation, the treatment plan is developed by the cardiologist together with the therapist, as well as the gynecologist. Most often for the normalization of biological indicators, it is enough to put in order the regime of work and rest, to increase the time spent in fresh air, to provide a normal amount of vitamins, amino acids and minerals, proteins for the organism, taking into account the needs of the growing fetus, to watch the weight, and try to experience positive emotions.

Drugs from low blood pressure and high heart rate

So far, effective and fast-acting drugs for hypotension have not been developed. Therefore, there are no specialized medications that allow one to cope with the symptomatology for several minutes or hours.

At low pressure and high pulse, tablets are recommended, which can simultaneously calm the nervous and activate the vascular system. To date, doctors recommend only 3 drugs that meet these requirements. In addition, the proposed medications have a low cost with a fairly pronounced effect.

From tachycardia and hypotension help:

Of course, it is undesirable to independently appoint yourself and perform any medications, this should be handled by a cardiologist. To select a truly effective medicine, it is important to first pass a few laboratory tests to assess the performance of the heart, kidneys and liver, brain tissue. It will also require MRI and Doppler ultrasound, which will reveal the condition of large, medium and even small arteries and veins.

After the examination, the specialist will compose a set of measures to ensure a rapid recovery of the patient's normal condition, as well as excluding repeated relapses of the pathology.