What vitamins are in green onions?

Dishes of different countries contain such a component as green onions, which gives the food some piquancy. Therefore, many people include it in their diet, without even thinking about what vitamins are in green onions and the benefits of this greens. But in order to more competently approach the issue of making menus, let's still ask what benefits the bow can bring and whether it should be eaten.

What vitamins are found in green onions?

In this greenery you will find a lot of known to all ascorbic acid , helping to restore the body's immune system and quickly get rid of the effects of colds. The content of vitamin C in green onions makes it an excellent means of preventing influenza and ARI, so it is advised to eat those who are forced to contact already sick people, this will help not to get infected.

There are in this herbs and vitamins A, and B, which contribute to strengthening bone and muscle tissue, help normalize the work of the nervous system, restore vision and even adjust the digestive process. The amount of these substances in onions is quite high, so eating even 50 to 100 g of this greens per day, you will bring your body a significant benefit.

Speaking about the vitamins rich in green onions, it is impossible not to mention tocopherol, that is, vitamin E, which is also called a stimulant of youth. The presence of this microelement in the green is quite large, therefore, even a small amount of it in the diet helps reduce the likelihood of early signs of aging. Vitamin E is also necessary to ensure that many intercellular processes normally take place in the body, if it is deficient, serious health problems can begin, adding onions to dishes excludes this risk.

In green onions, there are not only vitamins, but also minerals such as phosphorus , potassium, zinc and magnesium. With a lack of these substances, the nails begin to break down in the body, the skin turgor decreases and hair loss is increased by incorporating greens in your diet, you will avoid the appearance of these problems, and keep not only good health and vigor, but also youth. These micronutrients are also needed to strengthen the cardiovascular system and normalize the functioning of brain cells, it is proved that a lack of the same phosphorus can lead to memory impairment and a slowing down of thinking processes.