How to apply for a disability to a child?

Unfortunately, sometimes serious illnesses, injuries and accidents lead to disability. It is even more unfortunate that this happens with our children. For an outsider, there is nothing more sad than a disabled child. And the parents of a sick child, in addition to the usual worries and hassles, there are many other, specific. One of these moments is the disability registration.

What is disability, what does it give the child and how to get it, read on.

Causes of disability of children

The concept of "disability" implies a person's inability to live in a normal society, as we understand it, due to

What does disability give to a child?

One of the reasons why it is necessary to deal with the disability of a child is a pension provided by the state. This is a cash allowance, which is intended for the purchase of necessary medications and various means of caring for a sick child.

In addition to a pension, a disabled child receives other benefits:

Privileges are placed not only for the disabled child himself, but also for his mother: this is a privilege when paying taxes on income, as well as the opportunity to work on a reduced working schedule, to have additional leave and even to retire early. These benefits depend on which group of disability is assigned to the child, which, in turn, is determined by the medical commission. Groups on disability in children, as well as in adults, there are three.

  1. I group - the most "heavy" - is assigned to a child who is unable to take care of himself (move, eat, dress, etc.), can not fully communicate with other children and needs constant monitoring by adults.
  2. II group of disability implies certain limitations in the above actions. Also, the disabled child of the second group is not able to learn (and later to full-time work) or can be trained only in special institutions for children with specific abnormalities.
  3. Group III is given to a child who can independently move around, communicate, learn, but is poorly oriented in unfamiliar situations, has a slow reaction and periodically needs control and care due to a special state of health.

Documents for registration of disability to the child

As a rule, your district pediatrician helps to arrange a disability for a child. He must give directions for the passage of the medical commission in your clinic at the place of residence and for the delivery of all necessary tests.

The next stage is medical and sanitary examination (ITU). For its passage, the following documents will be needed:

Within a certain time (usually it takes about a month) you will be issued a certificate of recognition of the child as an invalid and assigning him a group of disabilities. With this certificate, you should apply to the Pension Fund Department at your place of residence to apply for a disability pension.