Development of speech of young children

Speech is one of the most important parameters for assessing the development of the higher nervous activity of a child. Its development begins with the first month of life of the baby, and actively continues until the age of 5-6 years.

Stages of development of speech

There are three main stages in the development of children's speech (in children up to a year):

Since birth, the baby is not endowed with the ability to speak, and in order to attract the attention of his mother - he screams. Gradually, along with myelination (development) of the brain, new possibilities also appear: by the 5th-6th week of life the child begins to "agukat," that is, to pronounce simple sounds together (for example: a, gu, uh, uh). This, in fact, is called walking, and constitutes an important stage in the development of speech of young children. In the following months, you will notice that the baby has become "longer" for longer, and by four or five months, and at all sounds different sounds.

At six months, the child begins to repeat individual syllables, for example "ma-ma-ma", "ba-ba-ba", "gu-gu-gu", etc. Also, as you develop, you will note that the baby repeats your intonations, but while "talking" in their own language.

By the end of the first year of life, the child speaks from 8 to 14 words, the meaning of which he understands (mother, woman, give, no). By two years of life, a coherent speech develops in children - in their vocabulary by this age about 200 words. By the age of three the child begins to understand how to use times, cases.

As we noted a little higher, the development of speech of young children is an important criterion of his neuropsychic state. But what if your child is not in a hurry to start talking. How to develop speech at an early age?

What to do to develop speech at an early age?

The first two stages of speech development - walking and babbling follow one after another, and occur arbitrarily in the child. But, in order to further the baby was "in step" with normal development - with it you need to deal with.

At least - it's a lot to talk with the child, clearly, without having to distort words, explaining what you are doing, pronouncing the names of toys, objects. Of course, this method will work, if the child is healthy, calm and in a good mood. To all, children's pediatricians noted that the more developed the child is from the physical point of view - the better his ability to form speech. That is, it will be easier for him to learn an active speech.

But what to do, if you are engaged at home with the kid, by all terms he should already speak - but this does not happen. Should I sound an alarm?

The answer to this question can be obtained by consulting with an experienced speech therapist, ENT and a neurologist. If pathology is excluded, start the exercises on your own.

Development of coherent speech in children

In order to develop a coherent speech in young children, it is necessary to take into account some features of their psyche. Only in this case you can achieve the result.

Principles on which work with the child is based: