How to teach a child to retell the text?

Oral retelling of the text, the ability to retell what you read in your own words is one of the skills that are required for successful schooling. Retelling the text in your own words, the child develops memory, thinking and vocabulary, and also learns to analyze and highlight the main and secondary in the text. In this article, we will look at how to correctly recite the text, and what methods will help you and your child to cope with this task without any problems. You will learn how to teach a schoolboy to retell the text, and how to make the baby do it with pleasure - easily and at ease.

Text retelling rules

When retelling the child should analyze and highlight the main points of the story read, remember the order of key events and tell them in your own words. Of course, it is impossible to achieve a good retelling of the text from a child with an undeveloped speech. Therefore, parents should take care of the development of speech crumbs before entering school. To do this, you should talk more with the baby, sing songs together, read aloud, teach poetry and so on. Communication with adults, and in particular, with parents - is an indispensable condition for the development of the speech of the baby.

There are several techniques that make it easier to retell the text:

  1. Analysis and compilation of a plan for retelling the text, preliminary oral analysis of the plot, the protagonists and actors of history, the order of events. Responding to suggestive questions of adults, the child remembers the content of the text, after which he tries to retell it himself.
  2. Retell on your own pictures. The child first, together with an adult, depicts several illustrations to the history, after which, building on them, builds his own text.
  3. A paraphrase of ready-made illustrations. Many children have excellent visual memory, so illustrations in the book can be an excellent basis for retelling the story read.

The retelling of the pictures can be turned into an exciting game. For this, the child, together with the adult, draws a few pictures, which depict the main turns of the plot. These pictures will help the kid navigate the sequence of events and not get confused. The pictures should be simple, but at the same time understandable, clearly illustrate a certain episode. Next, the pictures are laid out on the floor in the form of a path and the child, walking along it, looks at the pictures, restores the history and tells it.

In summer, such a path can be painted on the asphalt of a playground or yard.

Older children will be approached by a method in which a written plan for retelling the text is drawn up. Together with the child read the text, and, asking leading questions, help highlight the main elements of history, fixing them on paper. It is important that the items in the plan are not too long, overloaded with information. Try to make the items of the plan short, but capacious, informative. You can divide the text both in meaning, and in chapters or paragraphs.

Take your time and do not ask the child for an immediate result. Be prepared for the fact that you will have to reread the text after each retelling, checking with the original and highlighting errors or omissions. You may need to re-read the text 3 or more times before the baby can retell it well. Do not get angry and do not scold the child, be calm and cheer the baby, because, frightened, he will not be able to complete the task.

Learn to retell the text better in simple, well-known stories, gradually moving to more complex assignments.