How to take Macmyor?

Macmirror is taken as a drug that can effectively combat various fungi and bacteria in the body. This medicine belongs to the group of nitrofurans. It has no toxic effect. The drug is a combined agent. It is mainly used for internal use, but in some cases - mainly with gynecological diseases - it can be effective also with local use.

How to take Macmyor - before or after eating?

The medication is prescribed by specialists for the treatment of such ailments:

The dosage of MacMoror is determined individually, depending on the age and weight of the patient. For any disease, the drug is taken after a meal. In addition, the duration and course of treatment depends on the stage and neglect of the disease.

Very often patients ask themselves whether they need to drink Macmirror for five days or can they finish the treatment earlier? Answer this question will be possible only after mandatory tests at the end of the first stage of therapy.

Combination with other drugs

The drug includes active substances such as nifuratel and nystatin. During the action they are able to penetrate into the cell of the fungus and disrupt its integrity, which leads to destruction. The drug is particularly effective against fungi of the genus Candida.

Medication is often prescribed in conjunction with other medicines. And before receiving prescriptions, many do not even suspect whether it is possible to drink Macmirror simultaneously with Amoxiclav or in parallel to take Acyclovir . In fact, drugs are not bad combined. Moreover, complex treatment significantly speeds up the recovery process.