Shoulder fracture

One of the longest in the hand is the humerus. Her injuries are rare, in about 7% of cases, but require very careful and long therapy and a recovery period. Fracture of the shoulder usually occurs when falling on the arm or due to a strong direct impact. This problem is more likely to affect older people, but sometimes athletes (snowboarders, gymnasts, skiers) come to the traumatologist.

Types of fractures

Depending on which of the bone sections was damaged, the following types are distinguished:

Also, the presence of bias, fragments and fragments of bone, rupture of soft tissues and skin is important.

Treatment of shoulder fracture

Therapy depends on what kind of injury was received.

If the shoulder is fractured without displacement, the treatment usually involves immobilizing the hand with a plaster bandage and repositioning the shoulder joint. From the third day, physiotherapy is appointed in the form of magnetic influence and ultrahigh-frequency currents.

After 10 days, electrophoresis with calcium chloride, novocaine, and also massage, ultrasound and ultraviolet irradiation are additionally performed.

After 4 weeks of treatment, the plaster bandage is replaced with a conventional plaque, it is recommended that the movements of the elbow and wrist joint are recommended.

Fracture of the shoulder with displacement involves an operation to combine bone fragments and restore its normal structure, if necessary, the installation of metal rods.

The situation is more complicated if the surgical neck is damaged. In this situation, the treatment is carried out permanently with constant X-ray control. In addition to imposing gypsum for a period of 8-9 weeks, a take-off tire (from 4-5 weeks), combined skeletal traction, is used.

To eliminate pain syndrome, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs for internal administration, agents for accelerating tissue regeneration, vitamin B vitamins are prescribed.

Rehabilitation after a fracture of the shoulder

Restoration of joint and arm mobility consists in performing exercises individually selected by the doctor and corresponding type of fracture, the presence of complications.

Rehabilitation, as a rule, consists of therapeutic gymnastics, aimed at improving the flexibility of the tendons and strengthening the muscles. Relaxing massage, physiotherapy and water procedures helps to relieve stress.