Antifungal preparations for skin

Cutaneous fungus occurs frequently. It can affect the scalp, arms, legs and other parts of the body. Today there is a rather wide variety of antifungal preparations for the skin, which differ in composition, properties and purpose. Consider the most common medicines for the treatment of skin fungus.

Nystatin for skin

Nystatin is an antifungal drug that is used to treat infectious skin diseases caused by fungi of the genus Candida and aspergillas. The medicine is used to treat the fungus in the oral cavity, vagina and intestines. Applying Nystatin for the treatment of these sites allows its property - not to be absorbed into the blood, but to affect the fungus by a local method. Nistanin is also an effective antifungal agent for treating the skin of the body: hands, feet, face.

The drug is available in several forms:

The most convenient form for treatment should be chosen by a doctor, since this affects the effectiveness of treatment.

Indications for use Nystatin is the prevention and treatment of candidiasis of all types.

The drug has a not very extensive list of contraindications:

Also it is necessary to avoid using the drug for peptic ulcer and liver failure. With prolonged use of Nystatin, the appearance of resistance in fungi to the drug may occur, and in rare cases an allergic reaction may occur.

Antifungal preparation for Amicon skin

Amyklon ointment is an antifungal agent for the skin of the hands, feet and other parts of the body. The cream is sold in aluminum tubes for 10, 15 or 20 grams. The cream is used to treat the following diseases:

This antifungal drug is an excellent cure for lichen, so it is successfully used to combat pityriasis.

A special feature of the drug is that it is forbidden to use it in the first trimester of pregnancy, but it is possible in II and III, but only in consultation with the doctor. You should also be cautious during lactation. Contraindications still include hypersensitivity to the drug or its individual components.

Side effects are manifested in the form of itching, hives , burning, tingling, swelling, irritation and other allergic and local reactions.

The drug Mikanisal

Shampoo Mikanisal is an antifungal drug for the scalp. The product is available in the form of shampoo in a bottle of 60 and 100 ml. The product has two important properties that help in the fight against fungus:

Shampoo has only one contraindication - it is hypersensitivity to the drug and its components. Side effects can also be called standard: itching, burning, high fat content or dry hair. If improper use or excessive use of shampoos may occur side effects.

Shampoo should be applied to the hair and affected areas of the head, and after 3-5 minutes to wash it off. At the same time, all the time you need to massage your skin smoothly. This is necessary in order for the drug to penetrate the skin and produce the proper effect. Also apply shampoo for preventive purposes.