Sinuforte - analogs and substitutes

Preparations based on cyclamen, which are prescribed for the treatment of inflammatory and purulent processes, quite a lot. Therefore, it is not necessary to acquire Sinuforte - analogues and substitutes are represented by a wide range of cheaper and affordable medicines that are not inferior to it in effectiveness.

What can replace Sinuphorte?

The drug in question is a powder and a solvent for the preparation of the suspension. The active ingredient is the extract (juice and extract) from the root of the cyclamen.

The mechanism of action of the solution consists in physiological natural drainage and improvement of ventilation of all sinuses, purification of the maxillary sinuses. It also has the property of stimulating glandular formations in the nasal cavity, which ensures the elimination of puffiness.

The main disadvantage of the drug is its high cost, while the suspension does not allow to cure diseases of the upper respiratory tract without the use of complex therapy and taking systemic medicines.

Analogues cheaper than Sinuphort:

Also a good and cheap analog Sinuforte - Boromanal. This medicine is released in the form of an ointment, which is applied intranasally (placed in the nasal sinuses with a cotton swab). At a low cost, this drug is completely safe, has a minimum amount of side effects and produces a rapid sustained effect.

It is important to note that Sinuphorte is not a primary development based on the extract and juice from the root of the cyclamen. The solution described is a generic of a known European agent called Nasodren. It is produced in the same form (powder and solvent), has a similar composition and mechanism of action. In this case, Nasodrene is slightly cheaper, but it is difficult to buy it in the pharmacy, since the drug is rarely ordered.

What better helps from sinusitis - Sinuforte or Sinupret?

The two medicines presented have a different composition and form of release. Sinupret is a homeopathic remedy and is based on such herbal extracts:

The drug can be bought in the form of drops for oral administration (alcohol solution) or dragees.

Sinupret, moreover, has a wider range of activities:

It promotes the liquefaction of mucus in the maxillary sinuses and the quickest withdrawal of it in a natural way. Moreover, Sinupret prevents the proliferation of pathogenic microorganisms and the spread of viral cells.

Thus, comparing the two medicines under consideration, it can be concluded that Sinuphorte is significantly inferior to Sinupret in terms of effectiveness. The second indicated drug is used even as a monotherapy, whereas a suspension based on cyclamen allows only to eliminate clinical manifestations of sinusitis, rhinitis and sinusitis, without affecting the bacterial flora and viruses. Sinuforte, in fact, is prescribed as an auxiliary preparation that facilitates the course of the disease and the patient's condition. Therefore, otolaryngologists for the treatment of inflammatory and suppurative pathologies of the upper respiratory tract are more often recommended to take Sinupret, and additionally use inexpensive nasal sprays or fluids to wash the sinuses.