Intoxication of the body - symptoms

The human body is an amazing interconnected system, and if there is a violation somewhere, it affects the overall well-being. Therefore, a very dangerous condition is poisoning or intoxication of the body - the symptoms can appear sporadically and appear with time, but negative effects will continue to cause trouble for a long time.

Common signs of an organism intoxication

Clinical manifestations depend on the type of poisonous substances, their concentration, the protective forces of immunity, the presence of chronic diseases and pathologies. In addition, intoxication can be acute, subacute and chronic, which sometimes does not allow you to determine the disease in the early stages. As a rule, first weaken the most weakened systems, liver, kidneys and digestive tract.

Here's how the organism's intoxication manifests:

With chronic poisoning, recognition of signs is difficult at once, because they do not clearly indicate problems:

Intoxication of the body - symptoms in cancer

In the treatment of cancer, the main method is chemotherapy. Its essence lies in the impact on mutated cancer cells with special poisons that prevent the growth of the tumor and the progression of the disease. As a consequence, healthy human organs are also subjected to intense poisoning.


Intoxication of the body with antibiotics - symptoms

Acceptance of the drugs under consideration, mainly, has a negative effect on the liver, so it ceases to fully purify blood and lymph, and remove toxins. Also, antibiotic drugs have a disastrous effect on the intestinal microflora, provoking the following symptoms:

Intoxication of the body with alcohol - symptoms

Hangover syndrome is familiar to a lot of people, so it is easy to determine its presence:

Symptoms of intoxication of the body with parasites

Helminths, living in the digestive tract or respiratory system, in the process of life and reproduction, are isolated products that are poisonous to the human body. Symptoms of exposure to such poisons are: