Treatment of lymphostasis of the hand after mastectomy

Breast cancer is a fairly common disease today. In this case, often for his treatment, an operation is used to remove the mammary gland , which can not but lead to certain complications. One of these complications is lymphostasis of the upper limb (arm) on the side of the remote breast.

Why is this happening? This is primarily due to the fact that during the operation of a mastectomy, along with the affected breast, lymph nodes and vessels that are suitable to them are removed, after which a certain malfunction occurs in the woman's body. The cause of lymphostasis can also be irradiation of the axillary lymph nodes.

This condition is dangerous because the mild swelling that occurs after mastectomy can lead to inflammation of the limb and its deformation. Therefore, if the time is not taken to treat lymphostasis after surgery, the disease can go into a severe form, the therapy of which can take many years.

How to treat lymphostasis after a mastectomy?

If the condition of lymphostasis occurs in the first year after surgery, this is the so-called soft lymphostasis. Later, irreversible edema can occur (dense lymphostasis).

For treatment in the first 12 months after surgery, a woman is prescribed venotonizing drugs, diuretics, diuretics of herbs . It is also recommended to wear a compression hose, and regularly visit the pool.

Of particular importance are therapeutic exercise and massage. Physical exercises should be performed one week after surgery. The massage should last about 5 minutes, and it is performed several times a day. The patient can perform it on his own or it can be helped by someone close to him.

Prevention of lymphostasis after mastectomy

To prevent the occurrence of lymphostasis in the long-term period, it is necessary to avoid the effects of high temperatures, sunlight, do not inject into the affected hand, do not measure pressure on it, prevent the development of infections, hand injuries, work with the soil to use gloves, and work more actively on this finiteness.