Buzhirovanie urethra

Buzhirovanie urethra - a method used in urology for diagnosis and treatment of pathological disorders in the urethra. Often in women, the process of urination becomes difficult with the appearance of constriction of the urinary canal, it is in such cases that the urethra bougie has been used for quite a long time.

Difficult urination associated with constriction of the urinary canal occurs as a result of a whole list of causes, such as:

Buzhirovanie urethra - the principle of action

The essence of the process is to introduce a boule, or a conductor with a balloon, into the urethral cavity, in order to diagnose constriction and improve the patency of the tubular organ.

Buzhami called special rods, rigid or flexible, of different diameters. In each individual case, the specialist selects the required tool diameter, which gradually increases with the subsequent bougie procedure. The number of manipulations is determined by the doctor individually to achieve maximum effect.

To carry out the procedure of bougie urethra, women use oval-shaped bougies that allow easy passage through the constriction of the canal and enter the bladder. Exercising bougie out-patient, using local anesthesia or, in rare cases, under general anesthesia.

Medical practice has proved the effectiveness of using urethral buzzing in the emergence of a pathology of narrowing of the urethra of traumatic and inflammatory nature. However, it must be performed by an experienced specialist, then in the end result, with a favorable outcome, the diameter of the canal increases, cicatricial structures are stretched, thereby normal urination is restored.

Sometimes the procedure of bougie is conducted to determine the location of stones in the bladder .

After stretching, patients are prescribed antibacterial therapy for the prevention of acute inflammatory processes. Physiotherapeutic procedures and drugs that promote softening and resorption of scar tissue, to some extent improve the result, but do not give a guarantee that the constriction will not appear again.

Indications and contraindications to the use of the method

Nowadays the bougie method is widely used, but the number of its supporters is rapidly decreasing. This trend is associated with a high percentage of relapses after manipulation and a high probability of complications.

The repeated appearance of strictures is explained by the possibility of injuring the wall of the urethra, thereby only aggravating the condition of the patient. Complications include bleeding, infection, the formation of spongiofibrosis and pain. Buzhirovanie urethra is contraindicated carry out with acute inflammatory processes in the organs of the genitourinary system, as well as immediately after the injury.

In addition, with the advent of more modern techniques for controlling strictures, urethral buzhirovanie is used only with short contractions involving only the urethral mucosa. Also, in cases where another method can not be applied to the patient, due to concomitant disease or old age.

As a worthy alternative to bougie, another endoscopic method is used - optical internal urethrotomy.