Why do you have terrible dreams?

Dreams are one of the most unexplored and mysterious spheres of the human psyche. By the way, bad dreams are divided into nightmares and night terrors . What is the difference between these concepts, what are the dreams of terrible dreams - you will learn from this article.

To begin with, we suggest that you understand the difference between night terrors and nightmares. Nightmares occur in the phase of fast sleep and is a very complex story, it can be a whole "film". When a person wakes up, he remembers very little, but the feelings of depression, fear and horror remain. It is during nightmares that a person wakes up in a cold sweat with cries and frequent palpitations. In this state, adrenaline rises. Nighttime fear is a dream that occurs in the deep phase of sleep, about two hours after falling asleep - in the first half of the night. Such a dream takes about two minutes, has a short duration and a simple plot, but, nevertheless, can very much frighten a sleeping person. On the question of why the terrible dreams are dreamed, the scientists have not yet found the final answer. But it is already known that terrible dreams are made to people during a psychological crisis. The main cause of nightmares and night terrors is stress , overwork and depression. The most susceptible to such dreams are people with great psychological and nervous stress. Sometimes people can be haunted for years by the same nightmare. By the way, it is proved that often the cause of nightmares are the side effects of medications. Also, bad dreams can arise due to acute or fatty foods, overeating, information received by the day, alcohol and illnesses.

What should I do when I have terrible dreams?

If you are prone to nightmares, then this is an occasion to think about what you need to contact a specialist. The psychologist will help to understand the reason for such dreams.

You can get rid of terrible dreams yourself, by popular methods.

  1. Try to cope with the situation in the dream or get rid of your opponent. Learn to manage your dreams.
  2. When you wake up, do not look directly at the window and in the mirror. Say the following phrase: "Wherever the night, there and sleep went away."
  3. Tell us about your bad dream to others, so you "change" it.
  4. Try to "work out" a bad dream - for this you need to partially translate it into reality, to repeat in reality some moments.

All these tools can only reduce the impact of terrible dreams, but they can not prevent them.