How to love a man who loves you?

Time does not stand still, and many acquaintances have already acquired husbands and children, and you still can not find your only one? Maybe you already have a boyfriend, but the problem is that only he feels love for you, and you do not. On the one hand, this is a wonderful feeling when you are loved, and on the other you want to experience this inspired feeling. If you feel at least friendly feelings towards a man, then everything is not lost. Psychologists say that love begins with sincere friendship. And other relationships, built only on passion, do not live long. In this article, you will learn how to fall in love with a guy who loves you.

Can you love a person in time?

As you know, love is, above all, a deep feeling. Experiencing love, we experience happiness . And for the development of this feeling, definitely take time. Believe me, as soon as you fall in love, you will immediately feel it. Do not rush yourself, show patience and at first just enjoy the friendly affection. The main thing is to have love, then fall in love really is not difficult.

Try to spend time with him as often as possible. So you can quickly identify common interests and with frequent joint pastime you can quickly develop your unidentified feeling. But do not abuse it, loneliness is sometimes very useful. Perhaps you will feel some irritability to your companion, then take a rest and spend some time separately. If you do not have the opportunity to remain disregarded by a chosen one, then this may end badly, and you will begin to feel great dislike towards him. For example, this applies to married women. And they are much more tormented by the question of how to fall in love with a husband who loves you.

Arguing on the topic, whether one can love a person with time, we confidently say yes!

How to love someone who loves you?

Answering the question of how to love someone who loves you, first of all you must understand that love is happiness, which should bring joy, and not pain and suffering.

Girls should show maximum attention to their chosen one. Try to listen to a man, try to understand his thoughts, all problems and do not ignore his opinion. You should learn as much as possible of him, maybe you just do not know him well? After all, it's not always possible for a person to open up at once.

Avoid criticism! Do not attach great importance to some wrong actions and words. Even if he does something, it's not right, do not get furious, try to talk quietly with him. Especially it concerns hot-tempered girls. Do not forget, you want to fall in love with this person, and not push away even further from your heart. Also forget about any quarrels, because any conflict will cause you a wild irritation, eventually you will hate your companion. In case of conflict, do not speak out all at once, but try to calm your anger. It's best to ask for forgiveness for your quick temper.

Women, in order to love a person who loves you, try to share with him your joyful and sad moments. But at the same time do not forget about his life moments, for anyone, he also wants to share them with you. Such sincere conversations undoubtedly will bring two together. Be extremely honest, because even a little lies are capable of giving a big crack in a strong relationship.