Synaesthesia - a phenomenon of mixed feelings and perceptions

The times when the uniqueness or uniqueness of a person caused censure in society for a long time in the past. The left-hander is no longer taught to write with his right hand, like 50 years ago, and any features of people are of interest to scientists. What was previously considered a deviation and tried to destroy, began to actively study, benefiting from this.

What is synaesthesia?

Some people have the opportunity to associate, for example, musical melodies with real images, to make in their heads the adjustment of color to sounds. Such a phenomenon is found in composers, and people like them are called synesthetics. Synaesthesia is the most unique syndrome, which consists in the fact that some sense organs simultaneously began to work, reacting to a certain stimulus.

Synesthesia in Psychology

Sinestets are not necessarily talented people, but in their majority they are unique, which are endowed with phenomenal memory . In medicine, synaesthesia determines people who have the ability to clearly associate any objects or imaginative perception with several senses. Synesthesia is in psychology unsolved problems and riddles, confirmed by experiments and tests.

Synaesthesia - signs

Many people live with synaesthesia and do not even know it. They do not know that the others do not see the letters orange or blue, when the word football does not appear in the mouth, the taste of the apple, and they do not understand how you can not hear the music with flowers. They have synaesthesia manifested in projecting or associative abilities.

Types of synaesthesia

Synaesthesia varies among any feelings, more often among the two. A logical combination can be any:

  1. Grafemno-color synaesthesia - such people see associations associated with letters or numbers in color or textured images.
  2. Chromesthesia (phonopathy) . This kind of synaesthesia converts sounds into colors. Fotism, on the contrary, colors are endowed with special sounds.
  3. Kinesthetic-auditory is the ability to hear sound where it is not. For example, with a flash.
  4. The synesthesia of the localization of sequences is expressed in the ability to see numbers in space in the form of points.
  5. Acoustically-tactile is when a person feels certain sounds in different parts of the body. Is the most common species.
  6. With ordinal linguistic personification, numbers, calendar dates or just months, days of the week, letters of the alphabet cause associations with personalities.
  7. The empathy of the touch is the synesthesia of the mirror touch. With this very rare form of synaesthesia, the synesthet feels the same as the person whom it observes.
  8. Lexico-gastric or gustatory synaesthesia are taste patterns . For example, the word "tennis" can have a strawberry flavor.
  9. Olfactory-sound allows you to catch the rustle of smells.
  10. There are other less well-known forms of synaesthesia: auric, emotional-color, olfactory-color, emotional-color , but they are little studied by science.

How to develop synaesthesia?

The easiest way to develop synaesthesia is to try to cause unusual images and associations to a particular subject. If you are concerned with the question of whether it is possible to develop synaesthesia, then the answer is positive. A whole series of exercises has been developed for this case.

  1. It is worth trying to think differently, to introduce famous people in another profession. Let's say Lermontov composing music, or Bach as an artist.
  2. Do a breathing gymnast and do exercises for the eyes.
  3. Train on the smells, inhaling strong flavors.
  4. To touch with blindfold various objects.
  5. Read the menu and description of dishes, this will exacerbate the taste perception.
  6. Try to see deeper, even the silence is filled with a variety of different sounds.

Books about synaesthesia

Scientists at different times put forward many theories that would explain the phenomenon of synaesthesia. Some write it off as a disease or a peculiarity of the psyche, others suggest that nerve impulses are mixed in the brain. Synaesthesia still remains an unsolved mystery, its features are described in various literature.

  1. "Gift", author Vladimir Nabokov . Synaesthesia is described as a romantic ideal.
  2. "The whole world," author Julia Glass , describes synaesthesia, in which there is a trait of pathology.
  3. "Blue Sound" by author Holly Payne will tell you about a romantic pathology that exceeds the daily potential.
  4. "Rubin's Painting on Tuesday," author Jane Yardley . In this book, synaesthesia is described in terms of balance.
  5. In the book "The space of the mango form," author Wendy Mass will talk about synaesthesia as a form of psychological health .
  6. "Ultraflet", the author R.J. Anderson and "Each Not a Lonely Number" by Evelyn Krieger is a young science fiction.

Synesthesia with famous people

  1. Illuminated the phenomenon of synaesthesia Verlaine, Baudelaire, Rimbaud, from Russian authors it was Tsvetaeva, Pasternak, Balmont. There was a phenomenon of synaesthesia in Rimsky-Korsakov, Scriabin, in the singer from Norway Ida Maria.
  2. Dmitry Nabokov inherited synaesthesia from his mother or father. Vladimir Nabokov himself often covered this phenomenon in his works.
  3. Daniel Tammet knows 11 languages ​​and is able to compute complex mathematical problems in his mind.
  4. Journalist Solomon Shereshevsky - the owner of the phenomenal memory.