When can I sit down boys?

There are many myths that have come since the time of our grandmother's youth that boys, unlike girls, can begin to sit down, until they turn six months old. Photos of our parents sitting in cushions - a confirmation of the theory that early planting contributes to the rapid development of the horizon and strengthens the muscles. Distracting from myths and turning to the opinion of pediatricians, it should be emphasized that a deep study of the development of the motor apparatus in children indicates that you can not interfere with the process of physical maturation of the body with unnecessary loads, especially with regard to the loads on the spine.

How much can you put the boys in?

Nature can not be deceived, and children sitting in cushions for up to six months, standing in a walker half-year-old kids and hanging in a "kangaroo" babies - this is not entirely correct. To answer the question, when you can sit the boys, you need to consider the stages of development of the child. Newborn baby has a straight backbone, which is intended only for lying. Only gradually he gets a form that will allow the baby to stand on the legs. The baby in 2-3 months, lying on his stomach, learns to lift his head, and thus forms a cervical bend bulge forward. Further, with the first attempts to sit down in 4-6 months, a bend in the thoracic region is formed by convexity back. Bending in the lumbar region appears when trying to get up about 6-8 months. These bends will create what is later called a posture. It is important to note that all these stages of the formation of the spine are correct, if the kid learns everything himself. The spine develops and thanks to the fact that the muscles that support it also grow and strengthen, creating a "corset". Therefore, the child learns everything gradually: first he tries to turn over on his stomach and back, then tries to get on his knees, or starts to crawl right on his stomach. All this is a natural development of the baby, contributes not only to strengthening the muscles and spine, but also to the development of brain centers responsible for coordinating the movement. The brain and the mind of the baby develop in parallel with its physical development. According to pediatricians, the ideal development option will be if at first the baby starts to crawl, and only then sit. The fact is that sitting by itself is not useful for children, even for those who have already sat on their own, because this is too much stress on the spine and joints. It is useful for children to stand and crawl, so if the kid tries to sit on his own, then his bone and muscle systems are ready for this.

How to properly sit the boys?

Young parents in no way should be equaled to neighboring children and their successes. You need to respect what is inherent in nature, you can only help the child to develop naturally with the help of massage, gymnastics, swimming. For those who still want to rush things a bit, some tips on how to properly prepare a child for sitting at the age of 3 to 6 months will help.

  1. Supporting the child for the legs to perform the turns from the back to the abdomen and from the abdomen to the back.
  2. Supporting the baby by the shin with one hand, the other holding it under the belly, as if in a "flight".
  3. Supporting the child for the straightened arms outstretched, give him the opportunity to pull himself up to you.
  4. Supporting the child for the armpits in a suspended state, allow the baby to move with his feet.

Why can not you sit down boys?

All children are different, but they all share the same path of development, so parents should be patient and believe that everything the kid will get on his own.