Slavic Chakra System

Our ancestors believed that every material object has its own energy density. Moreover, there are many of these densities, and each differs by its fullness, frequency, various waves, etc. The aggregate of these energies is called the "chakra". The Slavic chakra system includes 37 energy centers, 9 of which are predominant, and 28 are decisive. And all together they create an energy cross.

Chakras of man and their meaning in the Slavic system

Main Chakras:

  1. The source, that is, originating in some source. Location - coccyx.
  2. The Zarod. Responsible for the race, that is, the continuation of life in their children and so on. Location - pubis.
  3. Belly, that is life. Location - navel.
  4. Percy. Responsible for breathing and is in the region of the solar plexus.
  5. Lada is responsible for performance and concentrates on the right shoulder.
  6. Lelya personifies intuition and is on the left shoulder.
  7. Mouth provides the transfer of energy of sensual images. Location - throat.
  8. The person is named so by location. This chakra of the Slavs is connected with the intellect.
  9. The spring keeps in touch with the clan. Location - dark.

The leading Slavic chakras have sub-sections, each of which has its own significance. The physical body of a person has an energy shell - a biofield, which in its form resembles a chicken egg. The quality and color of this shell can determine the physical and spiritual state of the individual. The energy channels through which the human body is permeated serve to move the psychic energy. At moments of stress, their movement may cause a failure with the formation of so-called "dams" and "swamps."

Such places where energy stagnates lead to the development of many diseases. According to the Slavic system of cleansing the chakras it is necessary to know how the Gods manifest themselves in the human being. It is believed that every nucleus of consciousness has its ruler. The midsection is ruled by the virgin Obid, and therefore purification must begin with the forgiveness of offenses. The lower is under the power of the Virgin of Pain. Having cleansed of resentment, you can get peace and only then proceed to eliminate the pain. But we can not dwell on this. It is necessary to try to master the wisdom for such a clarification of consciousness in order to become a full-fledged master of oneself.


Throughout life, a person accumulates resentment, pain, other people's opinions, internal decisions, nabrodi of the mind, which prevent him from living normally, create problems and take power. Kresenie means getting rid of this trash. To cleanse the chakras, the Slavs are offered to act as if they were to pinch the rays from the log. The following rules are observed:

  1. They pinch one ray, not unraveling the whole beam.
  2. Each ray is plucked to the knot.
  3. The twig is plucked to its bitch, that is, to its opposite.

There is also such a thing as "furnace". Cres burns a mind - a controlled consciousness, which is called an oven. It constantly expands its boundaries as the Enlightenment progresses. Getting to work on yourself, you need to act in this order:

  1. To wither the West is resentment and pain.
  2. Unravel the scurfs.
  3. Unravel the scraps with releasing. That is, to determine the real goal for itself and move towards it, correctly setting priorities.

There are also such concepts as spiritual conversation and pysanka. In the first case, a person is looking for someone to whom he could speak out, talk about their problems. A pysanka provides for a splash of feelings and emotions on paper. Pisanku is also used for creative work, as well as working out a business plan.