Unakit Stone - Magical Properties

The three-colored stone unakit, thanks to its physical properties and chemical composition, was deservedly recognized among women. The rock, in addition to gray quartz, pink or white feldspar and a green epidote, contains:

Due to its rich chemical composition, unakit, of course, is not capable of curing serious illnesses, but it is impossible to prevent them. It is proved that beads from tricolor breed protect against colds, and an amulet or bracelet, which accompanies a woman, helps to become pregnant. They also note the positive impact of stone on diseases of nervous origin that in our century of constant stress is very valuable.

In the modern world, a massager from unakita, which is capable of:

Magic properties of the stone unakit

People from time immemorial believe in the magical properties of stones and minerals, unakit was no exception. According to observations, the stone can help to find mental balance, and we all know that a harmonious person is a happy person.

One of the useful properties of the breed is its ability to tell the person the way to the future. This is especially necessary for people living in the past. They are recommended to purchase an amulet or a statuette of a tricolor mineral.

Also, the stone unakit is suitable for those who suffer from depression, because the talisman from this breed can neutralize the negative impact of the surrounding world and strengthen the faith in oneself. To optimists, the mineral will help to reach the set goals and be charged with positive energy.

Stone unakit in astrology

It's no secret that astrology is also interested in the effects of various minerals on humans. The stone unakit in its properties perfectly suits the sign of the zodiac Scorpio, enhancing its natural qualities. Women born under this constellation will acquire mystery and charm if they wear ornaments from tricolor mineral, and men - confidence and purposefulness.

Other signs of the zodiac, possessors of costume jewelry or talismans from unacite, also will not stand aside, they will replenish the supply of positive energy and gain independence.